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Macron will attend Swiss summit on Ukraine, says Zelensky

Macron in Bern
French President Emmanuel Macron (centre-left) and his wife Brigitte (left) and Swiss President Alain Berset and his wife Muriel Zeender Berset go to meet the public in Bern in November 2023. Keystone/Anthony Anex

French President Emmanuel Macron will attend the peace conference on Ukraine at the Swiss Bürgenstock resort next month, Volodymyr Zelensky announced on Tuesday on X (formerly Twitter).

The two men spoke by telephone, explained Zelensky, who said he “appreciated France’s important role in implementing the peace formula, particularly on the issue of nuclear safety”.

Macron and Zelensky also discussed the importance of encouraging the countries of the Global South to take part in the summit overlooking Lake Lucerne on June 15-16. They coordinated their positions on this issue.

+ All you need to know about Ukraine peace summit in Switzerland

According to the Swiss foreign ministry, a dozen European countries, including Germany, Spain and Moldova, Ukraine’s neighbour, as well as the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen and the President of the European Council Charles Michel have already confirmed their attendance. Italy has also announced its presence.

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However, among the countries of the South, only Cape Verde has said it will attend. In particular, the BRICS (Brazil, India, China and South Africa) are not yet on the list of participants provided by the foreign ministry. It will not publish the definitive list until “very shortly before the conference”.

+ How the war in Ukraine has changed Switzerland

Translated from French by DeepL/ts

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