立足瑞士 报道世界


提问者: 西蒙·布拉德利






阅读文章 瑞士碳抵消巨头被指控,退出津巴布韦项目


评论或留言须遵守我们的规定。 如果你有问题或者希望提出讨论的主题,请与我们联系!
Peter Ern
Peter Ern


Kompensationen sind einfach cool

Peter Ern
Peter Ern


Ich bin leider zu dumm um Ihre Frage zu verstehen.



Paid? Who collects this money? How is this going to help the climate?
No, I do not believe in this at all.



Ich habe noch nie solche Kompensation bezahlt. Ich habe bis heute noch kein sinnvolles Projekt gefunden, in das CO2 Kompensationen nachhaltig eingeflossen sind.
Ich würde mich sehr freuen von wirklich nachahltigen Projekte zu hören.
Mit nachhaltigen Grüssen
Urs Anton Löpfe

Mariano Rosario
Mariano Rosario


Monetizar la huella de carbono solo lograra que el el equilibrio lo paguen los países con menores recursos y que menos contaminan. Esta broma dejara como siempre a los estados poderosos limpios y a los pobres encima endeudados hasta de huella de carbono. jajajaja que mundo loco loco


如果任何人有其他经验,请联系 urs.loepfe@noblackout.eu

Im Landkreis Mainz-Bingen setzen wir eine regionale, sichere, bezahlbare und klimaneutrale Energieversorgung, eine Energiezelle um.
Wir haben bis heute keine CO2 Kompensation gefunden, die in Projekte investiert die nachhaltig den CO2 Ausstoss wirklich reduziert oder kompensiert.
Sollte jemand andere Erfahrung gemacht haben, bitte bei urs.loepfe@noblackout.eu melden.


谢谢你的解释。但我现在该怎么办呢?当然,只有在万不得已时才坐飞机。如果我想抵消我的排放量,我该怎么做?什么都不做吗?对于那些否认应对气候变化措施的人来说,这简直是天方夜谭。 那么,有哪些项目可以真正补偿呢?那就有意思了。

也请从 "解决方案新闻学"/"定势新闻学 "的角度提出解决方案。

Danke für die Aufklärung. Doch was soll ich nun tun? Klar, nur noch fliegen, wenn ich es wirklich muss. Und wenn ich dann meine Emission kompensieren möchte, was tue ich dann? Einfach nichts? Das ist Wasser auf die Mühlen deren, welche Massnahmen gegen den Klimawandel negieren. Was sind dann Projekte, die wirklich kompensieren? Das wäre interessant.

Bitte jeweils auch Lösungen vorschlagen im Sinne von Solution Journalism / Postitive Journalism.



El hecho que Suiza pudiera desarrollar un plan de reforestación de árboles, para absorber el Co2 de la atmósfera, sería una forma de ayudar a mitigar el efecto nocivo del Co2. Es cierto, que en tiempos pasados, la Amazonía, se le llamaba coloquialmente el pulmón del mundo, debido a su gran masa forestal, aunque no por ello hay que minusvalorar otras zonas del planeta. Para ello es posible masa forestal en el hecho de desarrollarse en un estado como la Confederación Helvética, debe tener en cuenta medidas preventivas por incendios forestales. César De Lucas Ivorra, San Juan De Alicante, España.



Klima-Kompensations-Geschäft können nichts erreichen. Wir betrügen uns selbst damit.
Nur Massnahmen im Inland nützen etwas. Das gilt auch für andere Länder der Welt.

Chap Masterson
Chap Masterson


Whilst it is clear that emissions reduction is fundamental to mitigating climate change, the debate of reduction vs offsets seems to blind people to a fundamental truth - which is that having more forest and functional ecosystems is better than having less, for which there needs to be a mechanism to provide sustainable funding and incentive to preserve and enhance nature across the globe and especially in developing countries.


作为日内瓦一家瑞士律师事务所的年轻律师,我们受客户委托对碳信用额市场进行了深入研究,并在世界经济论坛上与审计师和律师进行了商讨,我们得出的结论是,碳信用额市场需要非常严肃的改写和重组,同时需要法律的力量,以及利用科学证据数据和法律执行力进行透明审计的能力。被发现滥用、操纵或欺诈性参与未来任何市场的人都应面临严重的刑事处罚,包括揭开公司面纱。我们必须进入道德资本主义时期,因为资本主义显然是开发、创新、分销和部署任何新技术的最有效方式。这些技术同样可以拯救我们的地球。 我相信,我们已经远远超过了任何临界点。我们需要深入研究并真正关注气候问题。但是,这也应该是一个巨大的就业机会创造者,一个经济驱动力。这是一项巨大的全球性工程,需要大学的科学研究、这些研究成果的实际应用、生产、出于经济和环境等各种原因能够支持这项工程的各方之间的合作,因此,经济保守派和绿色环保党派都可以在这个问题上共商大计,因为它能够而且有能力成为经济驱动力和实际的变革力量,也许只是也许我们可以扭转局面。在现实世界中,蜜蜂工艺和新技术将需要在巨大的制造业、太赫拉成型、生活方式的改变中实现,而这些改变不会对人们产生太大的影响,让他们感觉被迫放弃某种舒适的生活,我相信这是可以实现的。它既可以是销售、制造、分销、就业,也可以是保护和可持续发展。但是,这需要绝对的透明度和真实的数据,而不是被篡改的、伪造的或按摩的统计数据,而是实实在在的进步,正是通过我们的思想和知识,普罗米修斯的火种才得以重生,我们才有可能拯救我们的环境。目前,这是我们拥有的唯一一艘飞船,即使我们进行任何一种多植物物种类型的生活,也需要材料、资源和种子等我们尚未考虑过的东西和资源。我认为争论和辩论的时间已经结束了,每个人都很清楚,不管是为了争论而争论,还是为了支持自己的团队而支持自己的团队,我们都面临着严重的灭绝级气候生存风险。

As a young stage at a Swiss law firm in Geneva, we were paid by a client to do a thorough research of the carbon credits market and we conferred with auditors and lawyers at the world economic forum and our conclusion was that it needs a very serious rewrite and restructuring along with the force of law, as well as the ability to audit transparently with scientific evidence-based data and legal enforcement. People who are found to be abusing, manipulating or fraudulently participating in any future market should face serious criminal time, include piercing the corporate veil. We must move into a period of ethical capitalism because capitalism is clearly the most efficient way to both develop, innovate, distribute, and deploy any new technologies. Those same technologies which can save our planet. I believe we've far pasted any tipping point. We need to dig in and really pay attention to the climate. But, it should also be a massive job creator, an economic driver. It's a massive global undertaking which will require scientific research at universities, actual implementation of these findings, manufacturing, cooperation amongst the parties who can get behind it for various reasons both economic and environmental so both economic conservatives and green party environmentalist can meet together on this issue because it can and has the ability to be both an economic driver and an actual force for change and maybe just maybe we can turn it around. The bee processes and new technologies will require in the real world in huge manufacturing, tera forming, lifestyle changes that don't have such a hard impact on people that they feel like they're being forced to abandon some sort of comfort which I believe is attainable. It can be both sales, manufacturing, distribution, jobs, and conservation along with sustainability. But, it requires absolute transparency and real data not manipulated falsified or or massage statistics but solid progress and it's through our minds and knowledge the gift of fire back Prometheus and that we will be able maybe to save our environment. At the moment this is the only spaceship we have and even if we do any kind of multi-plantet species type of living it will require a feed stock of both materials, resources and things like seeds and resources we haven't yet even considered.. I think the time for argument and debate is over and it's absolutely clear to everybody who's not just arguing to argue or backing their team to back their team whatever the case may be we are facing a climatic existential risk of severe extinction level proportions.

Endangered Trees
Endangered Trees

- 不是来自政府
- 不是来自企业
- 不是来自富有的个人
- 不是来自为富人洗钱的玩具非政府组织。
- 更不是来自那些参加 Cop28 会议的被绿色冲昏头脑的生态狂人。




- 政府应该去淘汰化石燃料。有多少国家做到了?
- 政府应该去实施碳税?有多少政府这样做了?
- 政府应该投资可再生能源。我认为只有 "哦,强大而糟糕的中国 "充分做到了这一点。其他国家都失败了。
- 政府要投资公共交通。同样,有些国家做得很好,有些国家则落在后面。
- 最后但并非最不重要的一点是,政府应决定允许多少抵消,以及通过减少二氧化碳的产出,真正减少二氧化碳总量的多少。

We need to restore the ecosystems and reduce our co2 output. Is this so difficult to understand?
And where does this money come from to restore ecosystems?
- Not from governments
- Not from corporations
- Not from rich individuals
- Not from toy NGOs who serve as money laundering fro the rich and wealthy.
- And definitely not from greenwashed eco-freaks who attend Cop28.

So it has to com from Offsets. This one is a no brainer.

Secondly, why looking at everything so black and white? We need to do both.

Government regulating the carbon market? This is a joke, right?

- Government should be there to faze out fossil fuels. How many have done so?
- Government hare there to implement carbon taxes? How many have done this?
- Governments are there to invest into renewables. I think only "ohh mighty and bad China" has done so sufficiantly. All others have failed.
- Governments are there to invest into public transport. Well again, some have done quite a good job, others are lagging behind.
- And last but not least, governments should decide on how much offset is permissible and how much of the total co2 reduction should be real reductions, by reducing co2 output.


为什么很多国家都在用煤取暖,包括该死的德国,我却无动于衷。我公寓里的温度是 19°C,生活在第一世界国家的我感到恶心和寒冷。让我们先解决这个问题。

I am not lifting a finger why a ton of countries are using coal for heating, including freaking Germany. It is 19°C in my apartment, I feel sick and cold, living in the 1st world country. Let's fix that first.

Luigi Jorio

这也是我向德国新气候研究所的 Carsten Warnecke 提出的问题。他研究碳市场已有 15 年之久,对自愿排放抵消并不看好。访问 [url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/ita/-mi-auguro-che-il-mercato-volontario-dei-crediti-di-carbonio-finisca-presto-/49020816]here[/url].

È quello che ho chiesto anche a Carsten Warnecke del NewClimate Institute, in Germania. Studia i mercati del carbonio da 15 anni è non ha una bella opinione delle compensazioni volontarie delle emissioni. Trovate l'intervista [url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/ita/-mi-auguro-che-il-mercato-volontario-dei-crediti-di-carbonio-finisca-presto-/49020816]qui[/url].

Simon Bradley
@Luigi Jorio

以下是路易吉与卡斯滕-沃内克(Carsten Warnecke)就碳抵消问题进行的有趣访谈的英文版,https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/-i-hope-the-voluntary-carbon-offset-market-will-come-to-an-end-/49035100。

Here is the English version of Luigi's interesting interview with Carsten Warnecke about carbon offsets. https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/-i-hope-the-voluntary-carbon-offset-market-will-come-to-an-end-/49035100

Beo B. Achter
Beo B. Achter


All respect for their commitment. When I asked the question, I was thinking more of people like oligarch King Charles and his Windsors, all the Brussels aparatchiks, the climate stickers and every single one of the 70,000 visitors to COP 28.

Beo B. Achter
Beo B. Achter

我听到了所有这些聪明的建议。但是,为什么这些超级聪明的演讲者(D、M、W)都没有站起来解释一下,他们在过去 10 年里做了什么来减少个人的碳足迹?他们可以开展年度竞赛,公布他们的个人限制。如果我们想做出改变,每个人都必须从自己做起,而不是空谈。

Ich höre alle diese klugen Vorschläge. Nur, warum ist noch keiner dieser superschlauen Redner (d,m,w) hingestanden und hat erklärt, was er in den letzten 10 Jahren getan hat, um seinen persönlichen CO2-Fussabdruck zu reduzieren? Sie könnten untereinander einen jährlichen Wettbewerb starten, wo sie ihre persönlichen Einschränkungen bekannt geben. Wenn wir etwas verändern wollen, muss jeder bei sich persönlich anfangen und nicht nur grosse Töne spucken.

@Beo B. Achter

我花了二十年时间在法庭上与地方和州规划部门争论城市设计,而城市设计是被动式太阳能设计的先决条件,被动式太阳能设计可以在供暖和制冷方面节约大量能源,但 2000 年的广告让我甚至比格雷塔还要早,这就是我所做的事情吗?

Spent twenty years in the courts fighting local and state planning authorities over urban design, which is a prerequisite for passive solar design, which can save huge amounts of energy in heating and cooling, but 2000 ad so I predate even greta, that's what I have done?


我从来没有为二氧化碳支付过任何补偿,我也永远不会为这个全球骗局支付任何补偿,因为这个骗局没有考虑到汽车、航空和其他行业在排放方面取得的进步!我们被告知,二氧化碳对地球是危险的,而贪婪的罪犯却在砍伐成千上万公顷的森林来种植大豆和棕榈油(比二氧化碳危险 10 倍),而德国却在重新启用燃煤发电站、
法国正在取消核电生产,而核电在生产过程中不会排放任何二氧化碳,尽管他们有一套废物处理和回收系统,这一切都是为了满足一些完全脱离现实的环保狂热分子!更重要的是,我从 2009 年起就再也没有坐过飞机,因为我完全反对旅游业,我从来没有坐过那些充满俗气和奴隶船员的可恶的 "远洋轮船",我尽可能避免乘坐公共交通工具,我赞成私家车和汽车共享......(举个轶事:我从 2009 年起就再也没有坐过飞机,因为我完全反对旅游业,我从来没有坐过那些充满俗气和奴隶船员的可恶的 "远洋轮船"。(举个轶事:自从我停止使用公共交通工具后,我从上个世纪起就再也没得过流感,而在此之前,我一个冬天会得三次流感,即使我接种了 NI 疫苗并接受了 NI 检测,也没能感染上 19 型病毒)。

Je n'ai JAMAIS payé quoi que ce soit pour compenser le Co2 et je ne payerai JAMAIS quoi que ce soit pour cette arnaque mondiale qui ne tint pas compte des progrès de l'industrie automobile, aérienne et autres en terme d'émissions! On nous dit que le Co2 est dangereux pour la planète, alors que des criminels cupides a souhait suppriment des milliers d'hectares de forêt pour cultiver du soja et de l'huile de palme (10 fois plus dangereux que le Co2), que l'Allemagne ré ouvre des centrales a charbon a tour de bras,
Que la France met a terre sa production nucléaire qui n'émet aucun Co2 en production, alors qu'ils ont une filière de traitement et de recyclage des déchets, tout ça pour satisfaire des bobos écolos totalement déconnectés de la réalité! De plus je n'ai plus pris l'avion depuis 2009, car je suis totalement opposé a l'industrie du tourisme, je ne suis JAMAIS monté dans ces abominables "paquebots" tas de ferrailles au kitsch de mauvais goût et aux équipage esclaves, j'évite le plus possible les transports publics, je suis partisan de la voiture individuelle et du covoiturage... (pour anecdote: Depuis que j'ai cessé d'utiliser les transports publics, je n'ai plus eu aucune grippe depuis le siècle passé, alors qu'avant je m'en choppai 3 par hivers même le covid 19 n'a pas réussi a me toucher, alors que je suis NI vacciné NI testé)


1985 年美国国会就温室效应或气候变化问题举行了听证会,时至今日,情况并没有发生多大变化,我们已经达到了食物峰值,但气候变化的到来比预想的要快,正如安东尼奥-古特雷斯所说,这并不令人惊讶,唯一令人惊讶的是它到来的速度。气候科学家们似乎正在形成这样一种观点,即明年可能是最令人心碎的一年,那么,如果我们因饥饿而使 1.2 亿人离开地球,死亡人数是二战时的两倍,我们是否至少要让那些为战争罪行付出最高代价的人中的一半承担责任,因为我们是一个比那时更仁慈、更富有同情心的人类,而谁将承担责任呢?

The congressional hearings in 1985 into the greenhouse effect or climate change, fast forward to today and really not much has changed, we have arrived at peak food but climate changed has arrived faster than expected, as Antonio Guteres said no surprise, the only surprise is the speed at which it arrived. Climate scientist's seem to be forming the opinion that next year could be the heartbreak, so if we tip 120 million off the planet through starvation, double the ww2 death count are we at least going to make accountable a number say of half those that paid the highest price for war crimes, given we are a kinder more compassionate humanity than we were then and who will the accountable be?

Simon Bradley


Thank you for your comment. What do you think: are carbon offsets a step in the right direction? Why or why not?"

@Simon Bradley

没有抵消是一种操纵工具,人类只是喜欢调整东西,使其看起来比实际更好,瑞士可能是最明显的例外,在不苛刻的情况下,被动式太阳能设计可能可以实现我们所需的 80% 的减排量,我相信我们在 1908 年就已经开启了知识产权,1985 年的国会听证会告诉我们现在是采取行动的时候了、将被动式太阳能设计纳入规划法只需要三分钟的时间,但澳大利亚的政治主子们在 120 年后仍然找不到三分钟的空闲时间,就像那些白痴天主教徒一样,他们在应该行动的时候袖手旁观,在应该袖手旁观的时候又袖手旁观,现在主动出击为时已晚,本应轻松的道路现在却充满了心碎和痛苦,他们是最失败的人,没有任何有效的借口。..

No offsets are a manipulative tool, and humans just love to tweak stuff to make it look better than it is, the swiss probably the most noticeable exception to the rule, without being to harsh passive solar design can probably deliver 80% of the emissions cuts we need, I believe we unlocked the intellectual property in 1908, in 1985 the congressional hearings where told now is the time to act, its a three minute piece of work to mandate passive solar design into planning law but the political masters in australia still can't find a spare 3 minutes after 120 years, like the idiot catholics they sit on their hands when they should act and act when they should sit on their hands, now it's to late to be proactive, and that which should have been a easy road is now fraught with heartbreak and pain, they are failures of the highest order as people and there is no valid excuse...




marco brenni
marco brenni


La compensazione mette a posto la coscienza, ma non è affatto una buona soluzione! Anzi è piuttosto ipocrita pagare per poter inquinare, anche se poi si dovrebbe riparare altrove: ma che garanzia ci sarà mai?

瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团

瑞士资讯SWI swissinfo.ch隶属于瑞士广播电视集团