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Most Swiss apprenticeship dropouts occur in first year

In Switzerland, around one in four apprenticeship contracts is terminated prematurely.

62% of apprenticeship dropouts occur in the first year © Keystone / Christian Beutler

Almost two thirds (62%) of these are terminated in the first year of the apprenticeship. The longer the apprenticeship lasts, the less likely it is that apprentices and master trainers will part ways.

  + Apprenticeships in Switzerland  

According to the survey, around a quarter of all apprenticeship contracts are terminated in the second year of training. For apprentices who are already in their third or fourth year, the rate drops to 12%, as a survey by the Federal Statistical Office shows.

However, the termination of an apprenticeship contract does not necessarily mean that the basic vocational training is cancelled completely. It can be continued with a new apprenticeship contract. According to the study, the vast majority of the apprentices affected also start a new apprenticeship. In most cases, the resumption was accompanied by a change of occupation or training company.

Most contracts were terminated in the “hairdressing and beauty care” training field, followed by “hospitality and catering”. The fewest contracts were cancelled in the “forestry” sector.

As part of the analysis, the apprenticeship contract terminations for apprentices who started their basic vocational training for the first time in summer 2018 were examined up to December 31, 2022.

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