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Job vacancies for major Swiss companies in decline

People at work in an open-plan office
Swiss companies in the telecommunications sector appear to be less desperate to fill job vacancies than six months ago. © Keystone/Gaetan Bally

A new survey shows the number of jobs advertised by major Swiss companies is falling steadily.

As of mid-March, the top 50 companies were looking for staff for more than 9,000 positions according to the Indeed job portal.

That’s a drop of 20% compared with a survey conducted last autumn, the AWP business news agency said on Monday.

Within one month, the number of job advertisements has fallen by 6.7%.

The biggest decline in online job advertisements was recorded among Switzerland’s two main retail chains, Migros and Coop.

The telecoms group Swisscom, Swiss Post and various technology and industrial groups are also looking for significantly fewer staff than last September, according to the statistics.

However, pharmaceutical supplier Lonza and the luxury goods group Richemont are among ten other major companies in Switzerland which have bucked the trend.

The latest figures are in sharp contrast to last summer, when there were more than 12,000 vacancies advertised and many companies were apparently desperate to hire people.  

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