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Swiss Post tops international ranking

swiss post
An on-time delivery in Lausanne. Keystone / Laurent Gillieron

For the fifth time in a row, the Swiss postal system has been deemed the world’s best by the Universal Postal Union (UPU).

The German and Austrian postal services came in second and third in 2021, said the UPU, which will present the award at its headquarters in Bern on Friday.

The award comes just before tomorrow’s World Post Day, which has been run on October 9 each year since 1969.

In its ranking, the UPU measures reliability of postal services, how internationally networked they are, how relevant their products are for the population in the country, and how innovative and sustainable they are.

The UPU was founded in 1874 and continues to regulate international cooperation between postal companies and authorities as well as set framework conditions for cross-border postal traffic.



Girl blowing nose in meadow.


Study: high pollen concentrations increase blood pressure

This content was published on A high concentration of pollen can increase blood pressure in allergy sufferers, according to a Swiss study. The effect is much more pronounced in women and people who are overweight.

Read more: Study: high pollen concentrations increase blood pressure

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR