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Swiss travel agencies say they are optimistic for 2024

passengers at zurich airport
Headed for sunnier climes? Travellers at Zurich airport. © Keystone / Urs Flueeler

This year, most Swiss tour operators expect to make more sales and – in some cases – higher profits than before the coronavirus pandemic.

This is the result of a survey of the directors of the six largest tour operators in the country, carried out by industry magazine Travel Inside.

“We are currently 20% up when it comes to advance bookings for 2024 in both tour operating and retail,” said Stephanie Schulze zur Wiesch, CEO of DER Touristik Suisse, known for its Kuoni brand. Guest numbers are also predicted to grow considerably, she said.

+ Read more about the post-pandemic return to travel

For the Hotelplan Group, business has also got off to a “good start”, with bookings reaching “expected levels”, according to CEO Nicole Pfammatter.

Meanwhile, Markus Kohli, CEO of the Knecht Travel Group, expects sales to increase this year. “In our tour operating branch, we expect to reach pre-Covid levels again, while in retail we expect a higher level than before the pandemic,” he said.

Twerenbold CEO Karim Twerenbold also said she anticipated sales growth across all of the group’s companies.

Only André Lüthi, CEO of the Globetrotter Group, was somewhat more cautious. He expects sales in 2024 to remain at last year’s level. Only acquisitions could help to increase turnover, he said.

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