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Switzerland sets out priorities for fresh EU negotiations

Swiss and EU flags
Switzerland wants a future EU deal to largely follow the bilateral agreements model. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally

The Swiss government has unveiled its draft mandate for renewed negotiations with the European Union, which will be finalised after consultation with parliament and the cantons.

The Federal Council’s overriding objective remains the stabilisation of the bilateral path. It wants to base the negotiations on the package approach adopted almost two years ago. This is based on a package of cooperation and market access agreements, according to the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.

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The Federal Council wants new agreements on electricity and food safety as well as cooperation in the health sector. The package also includes an agreement on systematic participation in EU programmes such as Horizon Europe as well as regular cohesion contributions to the EU.

The Federal Council wants to regulate institutional matters in the internal market agreements. Provisions on state aid, on the other hand, are to be written into the air, land transport and electricity agreements.

The definitive version of negotiating mandate with Brussels should be finalised in two to three months, Foreign Minister Ignazio Cassis told the media in Bern on Friday.

Cassis also commented on previous EU negotiations that were broken off in May 2021. No appropriate solutions could be found in the areas of free movement of persons, wage protection and state aid. “The Federal Council felt a new approach was needed,” he said.


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