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Switzerland signs another climate offset deal with Ghana

Although most of the Swiss measures to curb emissions will be done at home, deals with other countries can also help Bern reach its targets. © Keystone / Gaetan Bally

Switzerland has signed an agreement with Ghana that could help to reduce the Alpine nation’s greenhouse gas emissions by contributing to sustainable projects in the African country.

It’s the second such agreement signed by Switzerland in just a few weeks, following the “pioneering” accord penned with Peru in October.

The Swiss environment ministry wroteExternal link on Monday that the Ghana deal will involve the rolling out of various climate projects under the “Ghana National Clean Energy Program”: the development of renewable energy sources, a decrease in the use of wood and charcoal, and the promotion of solar and LED technologies.


The ministry did not specify exactly what role Switzerland would play in this programme, but said that it would – like the Peru deal – help the Alpine nation meet its targets under the Paris Climate Accord, which commits it to reducing carbon emissions to 50% of 1990 levels by 2030.

It also said the agreement “fixes criteria to guarantee that the projects do not damage the environment, respect sustainable development standards and respect human rights”.

The deal was signed by the Ghanaian foreign minister and the Swiss ambassador to Ghana. Swiss environment minister and current rotating president Simonetta Sommaruga attended virtually.


A person holding an umbrella is silhouetted against a screen of Swiss bank Credit Suisse with the words "Part of the UBS Group" at Zurich's Paradeplatz on Monday, June 3, 2024 in Zurich, Switzerland.


Switzerland sued by Credit Suisse bondholders

This content was published on Plaintiffs in a class-action lawsuit are claiming that Switzerland prioritised national interest over its legal obligation to bondholders.

Read more: Switzerland sued by Credit Suisse bondholders

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