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Thomas Zurbuchen believes in extraterrestrial life

Thomas Zurbuchen
Thomas Zurbuchen would bet his car that extraterrestrial life exists Keystone / Anthony Anex

Swiss space researcher Thomas Zurbuchen would bet his car that extraterrestrial life exists. It simply hasn’t been found yet, he says.

“The idea that there is life in only one place in this huge universe is difficult,” the former NASA research chief told “We will soon find extraterrestrial life.”

He finds his car an appropriate bet, because “if I were 100% sure, I would bet my house”. The car, a mid-range car, is dear to him, but also not as important as a roof over his head, the 55-year-old says.

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The head of the Space Department at the federal technology institute ETH Zurich wants Switzerland to become a renowned centre for space research. He started his new job at ETH Zurich a few weeks ago.

Before that, Zurbuchen spent 24 years in the US. “I feel like an immigrant. The culture is different, and there is a lot I don’t understand yet,” he said. For example, he recently wanted to buy something to eat after 10pm, but it was impossible. “All the shops had already closed.”

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Zurbuchen also recalls his childhood in the interview, saying he read Globi books back then. Now he will appear in the latest Globi book. However, he has yet to make a guest role in his favourite space series, Star Wars.

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