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Fifty wolves shot over two months in Swiss cull

Wolf poster on Swiss farm.
A poster with the words "Protect farm animals and humans. Regulate wolves" on a barn wall near Zweisimmen, canton Bern, on August 29, 2023. © Keystone / Peter Klaunzer

Some 50 wolves, including two entire packs, were shot as part of a two-month cull authorised by the Swiss authorities, environmental groups said on Tuesday.

The adopted Swiss hunting ordinance has had “serious consequences”, said Bird Life Switzerland, the Swiss Wolf Group, Pro Natura and the WWF on Tuesday in a press releaseExternal link . “The wolf, which is protected by law, has been demoted to the rank of pest,” they declared.

The number of wolves shot is based on statistics published by the cantons, said Pro Natura’s information manager, Nicolas Wüthrich. This is a rough estimate that will be refined when final cantonal figures are available.

+ Swiss environment minister rejects criticism of wolf culling

The four nature protection organisations regret that “expeditious regulation of wolves” has been favoured over the protection of herds. This is despite the fact that recent protection measures were “effective” in reducing the number of animals killed by wolves. Figures show that 80% of wolf attacks take place on unprotected herds, the organisations say.

The groups pointed out that 23 gray wolves were shot although they only killed five sheep. They called these shootings “abnormalities” and “absolutely disproportionate measures”. They also criticised the shooting greenlight for the Valais Nanztal pack which had mainly attacked livestock in an unprotected situation.

+ Could Switzerland’s law on wolf culling be a model for Europe?

As part of the implementation of an amendment to Swiss hunting law, the Federal Office for the Environment authorised five cantons to cull twelve wolf packs at the end of November. 

The shootings involving seven packs of wolves – three in canton Valais and four in canton Graubünden – were suspended after an appeal filed in mid-December with the Federal Administrative Court.

+ Swiss wolf culls suspended until court reaches verdict

Pro Natura, WWF, Bird Life Switzerland and the Swiss Wolf Group, which lodged the appeal, argued that the strategy of the federal government and the cantons to authorise the killings is disproportionate. They stress the important role of the wolf in the forest ecosystems.

“In most cantons there is a desire and professional skills for balanced work” with regard to wolves, say the organisations. They urge the federal office to open a consultation on the hunting ordinance “in due form” and “based on the facts”.

The office announced that the Federal Council would launch a consultation in spring on the second part of the ordinance relating to the modification of Swiss hunting law.

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