Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

Number of dual national residents stable in Switzerland

Person holding Swiss and Italian passports
Most dual nationals in Switzerland also hold an Italian passport. © Keystone / Christian Beutler

Just under a fifth of all people living in Switzerland have both Swiss citizenship plus a passport of another country.

The proportion of dual national Swiss last year remains at 19% of the entire population, the same as in 2019, according to the latest statistics.

+ How to become a Swiss citizen

Most dual nationals also have an Italian passport (23%), followed by French (11%) and German (9%) – all of which are neighbouring countries.

The Federal Statistical Office reported on Thursday that two-thirds of dual nationals acquired their Swiss citizenship through naturalisation, while only a third were Swiss at birth.

The share of dual nationals living in Switzerland has increased significantly since 2010, when they represented 14% of the whole population.

In 2018, Switzerland eased citizenship requirements for people aged 25 or under living in Switzerland who have a connection to the Alpine state.


car under water


Switzerland helps Armenia with flood damage

This content was published on Heavy rainfall has caused severe flooding in northern Armenia and cost lives. Switzerland dispatched a team of seven engineers to the region.

Read more: Switzerland helps Armenia with flood damage

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR