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Swiss Solidarity spent CHF34 million on charity works in 2021

charity work
Counting the donations during a Swiss Solidarity campaign in December 2021. Keystone / Michael Buholzer

Last year the humanitarian group Swiss Solidarity focused mainly on the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. It also sent aid to earthquake-struck Haiti and to Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover.

Overall, the CHF34 million ($36.9 million) financed 348 projects around the world in 2021, implemented by local partner NGOs and other organisations, Swiss Solidarity said on Thursday.

Over 8.4 million people in 40 countries received help, with the majority of beneficiaries suffering from the fallout of Covid-19. In Switzerland, pandemic-related aid took the form of direct financial help as well as services such as home deliveries or mobile care.

Swiss Solidarity – the humanitarian arm of the Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SWI’s parent company) – also sent emergency aid of CHF2 million to Haiti after an earthquake in August. It sent help to support the local population in Afghanistan after the Taliban takeover, to Lebanon (rebuilding after a massive 2020 explosion in Beirut) and to Indonesia (after a tsunami in 2018).

75 years of aid

Total money raised by the group last year came to around CHF27 million, meaning that some of the projects were financed by previous donation rounds. In 2020 the charity received more than CHF43 million.

Its most recent funding appeal, launched in December to mark the 75th anniversary of the organisation, raised CHF8 million for children in need at home and abroad.


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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR