阅读文章 同性恋或将在瑞士获得结婚的权利?


Sure everyone should be free to marry whoever he/she wants, that's democracy!

Ich finde die heutige Gleichmacherei zum k......en. Es ist die Vielfalt die das Leben interessant macht. Punkt.

why is marriage even regulated in any form, period? If anyone has ever researched the actual history of marriage, or the institute thereof, they would immediately realize that it was an intervention of sorts by some Caesar of the old roman days. In other words, the first step to create a super society. Does this ring a bell? Government should stay the hell out of it! Period! And so should any nosey neighbor for that matter!

Life is becoming ridiculous reading the comments on the topic actually I agree with most yes why not let people marry who they want including animals or even inanimate objects or marry groups of persons if it leads to happier societies why bot .However my main issue coming back to single persons is it is absolutely unjust that married persons benefit from tax reductions.maternity and paternity leave benefits ,maternity leave receiving child benefit when they produce children .Yet single persons receive no such benefits working paying their taxes.Also note single persons not producing children also helps the planet as producing endless populations is robbing the planet of resources no wonder there is a climate crisis there are too many people on the planet.

Interesting that so many women commentators here want to live together in a collective, to combine resources. They can already. No need to get married. But, what's stopping them? Religion.

即使宗教也不应阻止他们。正如你所说 "是什么阻止了他们"。说吧。去做吧
even religion should not stop them. As you say 'what is stopping them'. Go ahead. Just do it.

who ever gave anyone the right to impose any regulation on any type of relationship? The hypocrisy never ceases to amaze me. The damn religious organizations, or let's just call the cults have always tried to control. That's what it really is about!

of course!

Bring it and please allow more than 2 women to get married.
I'm a Swiss millennial woman and a single mother of 2 children. I want to get married to my 3 best friends, all women and all single mothers.
We want a marriage of 4 women so we're a legal family. In between us we have 5 children and being a family will make it easier to get insurance and to pay for a single family home.

I want the married tax deductions. Let me marry my 10 best friends. We're all women if that makes a difference and we'd love to live in a subsidized Genosenschaft apartment with 6-7 bedrooms as we have a low income as a family.
Why should only two people benefit from those economic advantages?

Lamanna MA, Riedmann A, Stewart SD (2014).婚姻、家庭和关系。在一个多元化的社会中做出选择。Cengage Learning. p. 82.ISBN 978-1305176898。2016年2月11日检索。
Homosexuality is not a choice.
Homophobia is.
Is Homosexual orientation acquired or natural?
From the scientific community:
The American Psychological Association (APA) takes the position that a variety of factors impact a person's sexuality. The most recent literature from the APA says that sexual orientation is not a choice that can be changed at will, and that sexual orientation is the result of a complex interaction of environmental, cognitive and biological factors...is shaped at an early age...[and evidence suggests] biological, including genetic or inborn hormonal factors, play a significant role in a person's sexuality.
Also, over 450 species have been proven to exhibit homosexuality.
(American Psychological Association 2010).”
Lamanna MA, Riedmann A, Stewart SD (2014). Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society. Cengage Learning. p. 82. ISBN 978-1305176898. Retrieved February 11, 2016.

Può aprire al matrimonio, no adozione figli!

How about marriage between 4 or 5 people as one family? Why discriminate? I would like to marry my 5 best women friends so we can share resources.

I've just voted NO on this issue, as the system of marriage is broken. If it worked, the divorce rate would not be over 55%. But, if marriage is allowed for all, maybe all those who want to get married should have a trial marriage (not actual) and live together for 3 years. Try it and see, with no contract to break later. And make it more difficult to get divorced. Min 10 years married should sort out the serious from the not so serious couples.

我明确表示 "是"!
In my opinion your argument's don't really justify a NO. Your opinion if marriage is a good or a bad concept doesn't really matter in this voting.
The question is, if homosexual couples should get the same rights as heterosexual couples, and not wether or not the concept of marriage is a good one.
A clear YES from me!

非常遗憾,你投了反对票。如果您能让我自己总结经验,而不是给别人下结论,那就太好了。我已经在注册伴侣关系中幸福地生活了 13 年!所以已经超过了你所希望的😉,但仍然没有同样的权利。如果有人告诉你,不允许你结婚,你会怎么做?仅仅因为你是。这可不好。对不起。
Das ist sehr Schade, haben sie Nein gestimmt. Es wäre sehr nett, wenn Sie mich meine eigenen Erfahrungen machen liessen und nicht von sich auf andere schliessen. Ich lebe bereits 13 Jahre glücklich in eingetragener Partnerschaft! Also bereits mehr als sie sich wünschen😉 und habe aber immer noch nicht die gleichen Rechte. Was würden Sie machen, wenn man ihnen sagen würde, dass Sie nicht heiraten dürfen? Einfach weil Sie es sind. Nett ist das nicht. Sorry.

这对那些活不过 3 年的人(如身患绝症但希望结婚的夫妇)是不公平的。
This is unfair to those who cannot live past 3 years (e.g. terminally ill couples who wish to be married).

My whole family will vote against it. We are for making all marriage illegal. Let marriage stay in the church and not at city hall.

Fine if you wanna separate church and state, then you get no benefits from the government for your marriage. But the church pay you.

婚姻一词在我国法律中也有使用。"是 "并不意味着他们会自动被允许进入您的教堂。
This question is not a religious one!
The term of Marriage is also used in our law. A yes doesn't mean they'd automatically be allowed in your church.
It is a legal and not a religious matter!
Thank you for your attention.

Interessant. Also weil sie nicht heiraten wollen solle. Es auch alle anderen nicht können, sie aber gerne wollen? Sie müssen ja nicht heiraten! Aber ich würde sehr gerne. Wäre toll wenn Sie sich das noch mal überlegen und für mich, ein Ja einwerfen🙏

Jeder Mensch hat eine männliche und eine weibliche Seite in sich. Die einen leben mehr (oder nur) die Weibliche, die andern die Männliche. Je nach dem ziehen sich Nichtgleichgeschlechtliche oder Gleichgeschlechtliche Menschen an. Warum sollen die einen besser sein als die andern????

Assuming that less than 5% of the population identify as LGBTQ+ (a statistic from several studies) then I don't understand why so many people are so strong in their denial, quoting such rubbish as it being a risk to the viability of our species. Funny that the same people who are predominantly anti-science have to resort to science in an attempt to back their claims. Love is love, don't let the narrow mindedness of one minority group impact the lives of another.

实际上,为什么同性伴侣要沉溺于为异性伴侣设计的机构?我的意思是,为什么不创建他们自己的机构并将他们的想法提交给法院?男人和女人可以创造孩子。同性伴侣不能产生孩子,除非他们走出他们的关系。他们没有其他方法可以生孩子。当然,也有一些异性夫妻不能生育,但那是由于一些潜在的条件。同性伴侣在默认情况下永远无法生育。 我想说的是,为什么同性伴侣那么想模仿异性伴侣?夫妻双方不一样,适用不同的规则。
也没有什么 "人可以做 "来使他们 "平等"。这很像拿着一个菠萝说 "现在我们要把它叫做苹果"。但它不是苹果,你不能以同样的方式使用这两者。唯一的相似之处是,"它们都是水果"。同性伴侣和异性伴侣都是人类......但在自然界中,他们和一对夫妇是不一样的。一对夫妇被自然设计为维持生命,另一对则不是。而且,这与 "成为现代人 "没有关系。这是同一部电影......不同的演员。
当一切都结束时,我们无法改变自然的进程,就像我们无法让长颈鹿生下鳄鱼一样。宇宙被设计在一个特定的轨道上运行,任何偏离该轨道的行为总是导致社会的抑郁、损失和混乱。 无论人类做什么......他们永远无法让同性伴侣感到平等,因为大自然的蓝图中并没有设计出这样的情况....,而且爱情也与此无关。
Actually, why should same-sex partners want to indulge in an institution designed for opposite-sex partners? I mean, why not create their own institution and bring their idea before the courts? A man and woman can create children. A same-sex couple cannot produce children unless they go outside of their relationship. There's no other way for them to have children. Sure, there are some opposite-sex couples who can't reproduce but that's due to some underlying condition. Same-sex couples can never reproduce by default. What I'm getting at is why do same-sex couples want to imitate opposite-sex couples so badly? The couples are not the same and different rules apply.
There's nothing "man can do" to make them "equal" either. It's much like taking a pineapple and saying "now we're going to call it an apple." But it's not an apple and you can't use the two in the same way. The only similarity is that "they are both fruit." Same-sex couples and hetero couples are both humans...but they're not the same as a couple when it comes to nature. One couple is naturally designed to sustain life the other isn't. And no this has nothing to do with "being modern." It's the same movie...different actors.
When it's all said-and-done, we cannot alter the course of nature no more than we can make giraffes give birth to crocodiles. The universe is designed to run on a certain course and any deviation from that course always results in depression, loss, and confusion in society. No matter what mankind does...they can never make same-sex couples feel equal because it's not designed in the blueprint of nature for it to be so....and love has nothing to do with it.

Hello, thank you for your contribution. How could a newly created institution look like?

@ISABELLE BANNERMAN....我认为你应该问同性伴侣的问题。然而,IMHO....,我认为自然界不需要人类来试图改善其结构。我们的权利是与生俱来的,同性关系中的每个人都有参与异性关系的 "先天权利",并在社会中从这种结合中受益。当一对同性伴侣决定建立一个联盟时,他们就自动放弃了获得这些利益的权利。
@ISABELLE BANNERMAN....I think you should ask same-sex couples your question. However, IMHO....I don't think nature needs humankind to try and improve upon its structure. Our rights are innate and every person in a same-sex relationship has the "innate right" to participate in an opposite-sex relationship and benefit from that union in society. When a same-sex couple decides to create a union, they automatically forfeit the rights to those benefits.

Excluding people from societal practices and structures amounts to discrimination. I would be curious to hear how same-sex couples would design a unique institution and whether it would be desirable for them.

@ISABELLE BANNERMAN......按照你的逻辑,我们应该修改法律以满足任何人的 "感觉",因为 "不考虑他们 "是错误的,好像宇宙没有明确的结构。例如,为什么不允许人们与他们的宠物、他们的汽车、一棵树、他们自己结婚?我的意思是,这都是为了爱,对吗?而按照你的说法,把这些人排除在 "社会实践和结构 "之外。
@ISABELLE BANNERMAN...Going by your logic, we should modify laws to satisfy anyone's "feelings" because it's wrong to "leave them out" as if there's no definitive structure to the universe. For example, why not allow people to marry their pets, their cars, a tree, themselves! I mean it's all about love right...??? And to leave these people out excludes them from "societal practices and structures" according to you.

Heiraten ja sollte erlaubt werden, Kinder gross ziehen nein, denn die Kinder müssen das meiste an Hänseleien dann ausbaden nicht die Erwachsenen.
Und wenn wer jetzt mit der Aussage kommt, man könne ja in der Schule darüber reden, der zeigt wie wenig er von Kinder Erziehung und Schule eine Ahnung hat.

Ist das eine Tatsache oder eine Vermutung?


两个XX可以生活在一起。两个XY可以生活在一起,但为他们提供与XX XY结合相同的地位会危及这一自然过程,并可能影响到我们作为一个物种的长期生存能力。
No. Why?
Over millions of years of evolution Mother Nature has improved the human species and allowed it grow to become the dominant group on Earth. In recent decades we've disconnected from nature, damaged it, warped it, and the planet is dying.
Similarly, marriage is a union of biological XX and XY for the key purpose of procreation to continue our species.
Two XX can live together. Two XY can live together, but providing them with the same status as an XX XY union risks this natural process and may impact upon our long term viability as a species.