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Susanne Wille first female head of Swiss public broadcaster

Susanne Wille and Gilles Marchand

Journalist Susanne Wille, current director of culture at German-speaking SRF television, will be the first woman to head Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC).

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The SBC assembly elected her to the position of director-general on Saturday to succeed the outgoing Gilles Marchand.

Wille is an experienced manager and a skilled multilingual communicator, who has held a variety of journalistic and managerial roles. She has also built up a wide network of contacts, said SBC, which is SWI swissinfo’s parent company.

+ Gilles Marchand steps down two years before end of term

In addition, Wille brings great know-how in digital transformation and proven skills in management and strategy, the statement added.

Wille, 50, has spent more than 20 years in front of the camera in various SRF programs and has headed its cultural department for four years.

Major tasks now await Wille and the SBC management, such as the distribution of concessions, a reduction in revenues and a looming public vote on whether to reduce radio/TV license fees, which is expected to be held in 2026.

Translated from French by DeepL/mga

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR