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Swiss film promotion agency names new director

Cinema in CHina
SWISS FILMS wants Swiss movies to be watched around the world, including in the potentially lucrative Chinese market. Here, people watch a film in a newly reopened cinema in Hangzhou in Zhejiang province in July 2020. Chinatopix

Nicola Ruffo is the new director of SWISS FILMS, the national film promotion agency tasked with boosting the visibility of Swiss movies abroad.

“The cinematic landscape is in transition. In times of change, I am very happy to give, together with my team, Swiss films and filmmakers a strong visibility locally and globally,” Ruffo, 41, said in a statementExternal link on Wednesday.

Nicola Ruffo
Nicola Ruffo SWISS FILMS

“I am fascinated by the diversity and potential of the Swiss film scene. I am happy to use my interdisciplinary experience to help shape the future of Swiss filmmaking with the international network of SWISS FILMS.”

Ruffo, who will take up his position on July 1, previously worked as head of public programs at Swissnex in San Francisco.

He studied Media and Film Studies as well as International Relations at the University of Zurich and the Free University of Berlin. From 2002 to 2010 he was a board member of Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur, where he curated several short film programmes in addition to the International Competition.

Ruffo certainly has his work cut out. The Covid-19 pandemic has been a horror story not only for cinemas and film festivals in Switzerland but all around the world. Ticket sales at Swiss cinemas plummeted by two-thirds last year as venues were forced to close their doors.

His predecessor, Catherine Ann Berger, headed SWISS FILMS for almost eight years. Based in Zurich and Geneva, the agency carries out its work on behalf of the Federal Office of CultureExternal link through consulting, support measures and promotional services.



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No funds for swiss army


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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR