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Two artists and two engineers win Swiss Grand Award for Art

The Negrelli pedestrian and bicycle bridge at Zurich train station, designed by Conzett and Bronzini Keystone / Alexandra Wey

Artists Caroline Bachmann and Klodin Erb and civil engineers Jürg Conzett and Gianfranco Bronzini have won the Swiss Grand Award for Art/Prix Meret Oppenheim 2022.

The award, which is worth CHF40,000 ($43,000), has been given since 2001 to artists, architects, curators and researchers “whose work played a key role in enhancing engagement with art and architecture and have fostered cultural dialogue in Switzerland and beyond,” the award website saysExternal link.

The Federal Office of Culture (FOC) announced this year’s winnersExternal link on Thursday.

Self-taught painter Caroline Bachmann lives in Switzerland and Berlin. Her works “depict nature in a synthetic way that gives it a form of eternity”, the FOC said.

In her “expressive and fantastic worlds”, the artist Klodin Erb “reacts to the social and media environments and situations of the present”. Painting is her main means of expression.

The engineers Jürg Conzett and Gianfranco Bronzini prove that the art of engineering is still part of the culture of construction, according to the FOC. Conzett and Bronzini run a construction design firm in Chur. They have received several awards for their work, including the 2021 Steel Award for the Negrelli pedestrian and bicycle bridge at Zurich train station. 

The winners will receive their prizes on June 13 in Basel, at the same time as the winners of the Swiss Art Awards.



Girl blowing nose in meadow.


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This content was published on A high concentration of pollen can increase blood pressure in allergy sufferers, according to a Swiss study. The effect is much more pronounced in women and people who are overweight.

Read more: Study: high pollen concentrations increase blood pressure

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