Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How can femicides be prevented? 

Hosted by: Pauline Turuban

Femicide, the killing of women and girls because of their gender, is a global problem. The UN has set itself the goal of eradicating it. 

What would be effective means to achieve this goal? Has your country of residence taken specific measures to prevent femicides? Join the discussion below.

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The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Education for respect must start at school: boys and girls must be taught the value of civil coexistence and gender equality!

L'educazione al rispetto deve iniziare dalla scuola: ai ragazzi e alle ragazze deve venire insegnato il valore della convivenza civile e la parità di genere!

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Having survived an attempted murder by an ex-boyfriend, I would say from my experience 3 important things:
1- we must reinforce the protection of potential victims before it is too late.
A month before the attempted murder (which put me in the hospital and left me with psychological and physical scars for over 20 years), I went to the police and told them that this guy was trying to kill me and they told me that unless there was witness evidence, there was nothing they could do for me. That almost cost me my life.
2- More information everywhere and give battered women more options to get out of abusive relationships.
3- Education: educate boys to recognize, validate and control their emotions, and to be equal.

Pour avoir survecu a une tentative de meurtre par un ex petit ami, je dirais de mon experience 3 choses importantes:
1- il faut renforcer la protection des potentielles victimes avant qu'il ne soit trop tard.
Un mois avant la tentative de meurtre (qui m'a conduite a l'hopital et a vivre avec des séquelles psychologiques et physiques plus de 20 ans apres), j'avais été voir la police en disant que ce type cherchait a me tuer et ils m'ont repondu qu'a moins de preuves avec temoin, ils ne pouvaient rien pour moi. Cela a faillit me coûter la vie.
2- Plus d'information partout et donner aux femmes batues plus de solutions pour sortir de relations abusives.
3- L'education: éduquer les garcons a reconnaitre, valider et controler leurs emotions, et a l'egalité.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Why doesn't it become mandatory for every girl from the age of five and every migrant woman to attend judo and karate classes until she has a black belt?

Warum wird es nicht zur Pflicht für jedes Mädchen ab dem fünften Lebensjahr und jede Migrantin Judo- und Karate-Kurse zu besuchen bis es einen schwarzen Gurt hat?
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ES.

A homicide committed against a woman, child or man is always the loss of a human life.
When it is perpetrated against a weaker being by one who has more GROSS FORCE (more physical strength) it is doubly punishable. And in general it happens, although there are exceptions, the WOMAN possesses less strength than a man. FROM THAT EVIDENT CIRCUMSTANCE arises the term Femicide.

Un homicidio cometido contra una mujer, niño u hombre es siempre la pérdida de una vida humana.
Cuando se perpetra contra un ser más débil ejercido por quien tiene más FUERZA BRUTA( más fuerza fisica) es doblemente punible. Y en general ocurre , aunque hay excepciones, la MUJER posee menos fuerza que un hombre. DE ESA CIRCUNSTANCIA EVIDENTE surje el término Femicidio.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Who remembers the good old days when it was said that violence against weaker or even defenceless/unarmed or peaceful people was a sign of cowardice? And who wants to have cowards as superiors or even presidents?

Wer mag sich noch an die guten alten Zeiten erinnern als es galt: Gewalt gegen schwächere oder gar Wehrlose/Unbewaffnete oder Friedfertigere ist ein Zeichen von Feigheit. Und wer möchte Feiglinge als Vorgesetzt oder gar Präsident haben?

Fareed Hasbany
Fareed Hasbany
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

Murder is murder and crime is a crime regardless of the sex of the victim. In fact, discrimination between races is a crime in itself, such as hearing that the perpetrator killed such people, “mostly women and children”! Isn't this proposal a kind of unacceptable discrimination? Doesn't this phrase mean that murder is levels and it's okay to kill young people and men, but when the issue reaches women and children, the crime becomes even worse? The required measures - as I see it - are community education based on establishing the reality of physical differences. Jump from it and at the same time show other aspects that distinguish women from men and make them superior, thus obtaining a state of integration rather than a state of struggle and competition.

القتل هو القتل والجريمة جريمة بغض النظر عن جنس الضحية، والتمييز بين الأجناس في الواقع هو بحد ذاته جريمة كأن نسمع بأن الجهة الفلانية قتلت كذا من الناس "معظمهم من النساء والأطفال"!؟ أليس هذا الطرح نوعا من التمييز المرفوض؟ أليس في هذه العبارة معنى أن القتل مستويات ولا بأس بقتل الشباب والرجال ولكن عندما يصل الموضوع عند النساء والأطفال تصبح الجريمة أبشع؟ الإجراءات المطلوية - كما أراها - هي تربية مجتمعية قائمة على تثبيت واقع الفوارق الجسمانية لا القفز عنها وبنفس الوقت إظهار الجوانب الأخرى التي تميّز المرأه عن الرجل وتجعلها متفوقة وبذلك تحصل حالة التكامل بدلاً من حالة التصارع والتنافس.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

LOL, replace the word religion with the word ideology or value system.
And isn't it interesting to find out why someone believes in something or not?

@LOL, man ersetze das Wort Religion mal durch das Wort Ideologie oder Wertesystem.
Und ist es nicht interessant heraus zu finden warum jemand an etwas glaubt oder auch nicht?

william wang
william wang
The following contribution has been automatically translated from ZH.

The most common sense is that in our China, more than 80% of school violence is committed by female gangs against girls. And domestic violence incidents in the female perpetrators are also many, smear the man before first look in the mirror.



Educate boys to respect girls and educate girls to demand respect from boys. The problem is culture.

Marianne Wright
Marianne Wright

Starts with educating mainly young boys but also girls. Everybody is born equal and nobody should assert power over your next one. Also important is the education of girls, women who are financially independent are less prone to be subdued. They have choices!

Philipp Meier
@Marianne Wright

Da sprechen Sie zentrale Punkte an. Als Vater eines Sohnes und einer Tochter merke ich selber, dass ich viel öfters die Tochter darauf anspreche, sich zu schützen, als meinen Sohn, sich zurückzuhalten, respektive andere junge Männer auf Dinge hinzuweisen, die nicht OK seien.

@Marianne Wright

Ist es nicht eine "gesellschaftliche Fehlleistung" wenn die Gesellschaft Menschen hervor bringt die über andere Macht ausüben wollen?


Like with any problem, you have to identify the trigger point. What causes violence against women? Is it culture, education or something else? Eliminate the cause, and most of the problem will go away. Not all, as some people are naturally violent.

Philipp Meier

Was denken Sie sind die Ursachen von Femiziden?

@Philipp Meier

My original comment was deleted. No idea why, so I made it less specific. But in it I suggested some of the reasons, the trigger points.

Shahd Abuzar Elkenani
Shahd Abuzar Elkenani
The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

The most important thing is to raise awareness among people and make women aware of the importance of their position in the world.

أهمّ شيء: رفع مستوي الوعي لدى الشعوب وتوعية النساء بمدى أهمية مكانتهن في العالم.


Huge penalties for guilty perpetrators.


Die Schweiz hat eines der teuersten Bildungssysteme. Und dennoch schafft man es nicht Femizide zu verhindern.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

It is impossible to convince a coward that he is a coward, even the one who insults a woman knows that he is practicing masculinity on a woman created by a weak-brown nature, that is, he is a coward who practices his masculinity in the wrong place. Even the one who believes that his honor is attached between his sister's men and kills her because she loved, he lost his honor when he believed that he was a man.

من المُحال إقناع جبان بأنه جبان، حتى الذي يُهين امرأة يعلم بأنه إنما يُمارس رجولةً على امرأة خلقتها الطبيعة ضعيفة البنية، أي أنه جبان يُمارس رجولته في المكان الخطأ. حتى الذي يعتقد أن شرفه ملتصق بين رجلي شقيقته فيقتلها لكونها أحبّت، فقد فَقَدَ شرفه حينما صدّق بانه رجل .

The following contribution has been automatically translated from AR.

What is honor?
And at what point is an insult an insult?

Was ist Ehre?
Und ab wann ist eine Beleidigung eine Beleidigung?

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

This is a complex issue.
First of all, a fundamental point: If a democratic state is the sum of all its inhabitants with a common will of the state, which is formed by its voters, every femicide, every murder, every deliberate physical or psychological injury is an attack on the state or even an attack on the common will of the state.
Every femicide, every murder, every intentional bodily injury, is in that sense not only an attack on the state, but also on the economy, since the victim will then be missing as a consumer and labor force, for example to take care of children, in the economy. It is therefore strange when politicians are pro-business and at the same time are for a totally liberal society in which a few or even all may allow themselves anything immoral. But back to the topic: From this point of view, some people lack an understanding of what a state is and what serves the economy and ultimately their own prosperity.

Das ist ein komplexes Thema.
Zunächst grundsätzliches: Wenn ein demokratischer Staat die Summe all seiner Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner mit einem gemeinsamen Staatswillen, der von seinen Stimmbürgerinnen und Stimmbürger gebildet wird, ist, jeder Femizid, jeder Mord, jede absichtliche körperliche oder psychische Verletzung ein Angriff auf den Staat oder gar einen Angriff auf den gemeinsamen Staatswillen.
Jeder Femizid, jeder Mord, jede absichtliche Körperverletzung, ist in dem Sinne nicht nur ein Angriff auf den Staat, sondern auch auf die Wirtschaft da das Opfer dann als Konsument und Arbeitskraft, zum Beispiel zum Betreuen von Kindern, in der Wirtschaft fehlen wird. Es ist daher seltsam wenn sich Politiker wirtschaftsfreundlich geben und im selben Zuge für eine total liberale Gesellschaft sind in der sich ein paar oder gar alle alles unmoralische erlauben dürfen. Aber zurück zum Thema: So gesehen fehlt manchen ein Verständnis dafür was ein Staat ist und was der Wirtschaft und letztendlich auch dem eigenen Wohlstand dient.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

According to earlier media reports, most femicides occur in Pakistan and India where female fetuses and newborns are murdered because of their gender.
The problem there seems to be a fundamental one with the social value system and partly also with some of the religions. Fortunately the Judeo-Christian value system is different with 1 Cor. 13 which can be read among other things "If I spoke in the tongues of men and of angels, but did not have the love of women, I would be a booming brass or a clamorous kettledrum. And if I could speak prophetically and knew all mysteries and had all knowledge; if I possessed all the power of faith and could move mountains with it, but did not have the love of women, I would be nothing." And if one loves someone, then one would like that the person is well and consequently one says to him/her now and then a no to protect him/her from himself/herself, points out mistakes to him/her, criticizes him/her if necessary and vice versa one also accepts a no and lets oneself be criticized.
As long as there is no rethinking in the heads, nothing will change.

Gemäss früheren Medienbeiträgen gibt es die meisten Femizide in Pakistan und Indien wo weibliche Föten und Neugeborene ermordet werden auf Grund ihres Geschlechts.
Das Problem scheint dort ein grundlegendes zu sein mit dem gesellschaftlichen Wertesystem und zum Teil auch mit manchen den Religionen. Da ist das jüdisch-christliche Wertesystem zum Glück anders mit 1. Kor. 13 das sich unter anderem lesen lässt «Wenn ich in den Sprachen der Menschen und Engel redete, hätte aber die Liebe zu Frauen nicht, wäre ich ein dröhnendes Erz oder eine lärmende Pauke. Und wenn ich prophetisch reden könnte und alle Geheimnisse wüsste und alle Erkenntnis hätte; wenn ich alle Glaubenskraft besässe und Berge damit versetzen könnte, hätte aber die Liebe zu Frauen nicht, wäre ich nichts.» Und wenn man jemanden liebt, dann möchte man doch dass es der Person gut geht und folglich sagt man ihr/ihm hin und wieder mal ein Nein um sie/ihn vor ihr/ihm selbst zu schützen, weise sie auf Fehler hin, kritisiert sie notfalls und umgekehrt akzeptiert man auch ein Nein und lässt sich kritisieren.
So lange dort in den Köpfen kein Umdenken statt findet wird sich nichts ändern.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

In the case of femicides in Central Europe, the cause is probably not so much a systematic one based on the status of women in the social value system, but rather on ego and narcissism in society. See lectures by Dr. Reinhard Haller.
If one would like to reduce the number of femicides in a European society, then one would have to fight narcissism. Unfortunately, this seems to have become practically impossible today.

Bei Femiziden in Mitteleuropa ist die Ursache wahrscheinlich weniger ein systematisches auf Grund des Status der Frau im gesellschaftlich Wertesystems sondern eher auf Grund des Ego und des Narzissmus in der Gesellschaft. Siehe Vorträge von Dr. Reinhard Haller.
Möchte man die Anzahl an Femiziden in einer europäischen Gesellschaft reduzieren, dann müsste man den Narzissmus bekämpfen. Nur das ist heute scheinbar leider praktisch unmöglich geworden.

Malek Ajami
Malek Ajami

يجب اولا فهم عقلية القاتل، كيف استطاع الاقدام على قتل شخص؟ انا ارى ان هؤلاء الاشخاص ليس لهم مرجعية ولا ولاء الا للقانون وبالتالي عندما يكون غائب عن نظر القانون هو متحلل من اي التزام او خوف.
لو استطعنا زرع في نفوس الناس الخوف من الله، عندها سيكون هذا الانسان ملتزما حدوده اينما ذهب واينما كان، لان العقيدة الدينية اقوى واثبت في النفس من اي قانون وضعه الانسان.


It may sound odd but...stop putting men on pedestals. Having grown up in South America I've seen many times where the boys in a family are more 'privileged' than the sisters. And I see something similar right here in Europe too...

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Changing the model of society. Hyper-competition and intolerance toward others foster the emergence of violent impulses in individuals.

It is necessary to promote since the schools the family model and the traditional values, to the center of which, I remember, there is the positive and reassuring figure of the woman as mother and guardian of the family and of the father as protector of the woman and the children. The war of the sexes, at work and at home, brings only suffering and, indeed, violence.

Also why this linguistic horror? "Feminicide." It seems to suggest that women are a different species than men. Absurd. We are two sides of the same coin called humanity.

We must not split hairs and foment divisions, but, on the contrary, promote sharing, stable lifestyles, strong values and family ties.

Using the stick of criminal law without asking where the phenomenon comes from is simple, immediate, reassuring, but in the medium to long term absolutely useless.

It is necessary, first of all, to intervene on the causes. People must be, first of all, helped to grow humanly and to understand why something is objectively right and why something is objectively wrong.

Cambiare il modello di società. L'iper-competizione e l'intoleranza verso l'altro favoriscono l'emersione di pulsioni violente negli individui.

Bisogna promuovere fin dalle scuole il modello di famiglia ed i valori tradizionali, al cui centro, lo ricordo, c'e' la figura positiva e rasserenante della donna quale madre e custode della famiglia e del padre quale protettore della donna e dei figli. La guerra dei sessi, sul lavoro ed a casa, porta solo sofferenza ed, appunto, violenza.

Inoltre perche' questo orrore linguistico? "Femminicidio". Sembra suggerire che le donne siano un'altra specie rispetto agli uomini. Assurdo. Siamo le due facce di una stessa medaglia chiamata umanità.

Non bisogna spaccare il capello in quattro e fomentare divisioni, ma, al contrario, promuovere condivisione, stili di vita stabili, forti valori e legami familiari.

Usare il bastone del diritto penale senza chiedersi da dove viene il fenomeno e' semplice, immediato, rassicurante, ma nel medio-lungo periodo assolutamente inutile.

Bisogna innanzitutto intervenire sulle cause. Le persone vanno, innanzitutto, aiutate a crescere umanamente ed a comprendere perche' qualcosa e' oggettivamente giusto e perche' qualcosa e' oggetivamente sbagliato.

Philipp Meier
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

You raise a couple of important points. Competition in society is certainly an important driver of irrational outbursts of violence. Conversely, however, the 'compulsion' as a mother to be the calm pole of the family, and especially to push the father into the role of protector, can have exactly the opposite effect.

Sie sprechen ein paar wichtige Punkte an. Die Konkurrenz in der Gesellschaft ist bestimmt ein wichtiger Treiber von irrationalen Gewaltausbrüchen. Umgekehrt kann jedoch der 'Zwang', als Mutter der ruhige Pol der Familie sein zu müssen, und vor allem, den Vater in die Rolle des Beschützers zu drängen, genau das Gegenteil bewirken.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Build on the Spanish model with police officers trained in domestic violence against women, which also affects children.
Invest in anti-seizure bracelets, emergency shelters.

This is indirectly related, but reform the legal qualifications of rape in the law by recognizing the phenomenon of control.
The notion of "sexual abuse" is euphemistic and sends a terrible signal to victims. It is an outdated concept, like when we used to talk about crimes of passion for feminicides.

Switzerland is at a loss on these subjects.

Se baser sur le modèle espagnol avec des policiers formés aux violences domestiques sur les femmes, qui se répercutent sur les enfants également.
Investir dans des bracelets anti-rapprochement, des domiciles d'urgence.

C'est lié de manière indirecte, mais réformer les qualifications juridiques du viol dans le droit en reconnaissant le phénomène d'emprise.
La notion "d'atteintes sexuelles" est euphémisant et envoie un signal terrible aux victimes. C'est une conception surranée, comme lorsqu'on parlait de crime passionnel pour les féminicides.

La Suisse est à la ramasse sur ces sujets.

Philipp Meier
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

The reference to the Spanish model is very interesting. Thank you very much! I'll be happy to pass that on to our Spanish-speaking editors.

Der Hinweis zum spanischen Modell ist sehr interessant. Vielen dank! Das leite ich gerne an unsere spanischsprachigen Redaktorinnen weiter.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

Stronger and faster sentences. Education in school, clear non-sexist explanation of the problem and how to solve it. Not fashionable issues but normal citizen action.

Condenas más fuertes y rápidas. Educación en la escuela, explicación clara no sexista de la problemática y como resolverla. No cuestiones de moda sino de acción ciudadana normal.

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