Switzerland Today
Dear Swiss Abroad,
Rumours are swirling in Switzerland following the resignation of Defence Minister Viola Amherd. Who will be her successor? And could another resignation from the Federal Council be imminent? Read on to discover who is in the running.
After discussing the political situation in Switzerland, today’s briefing delves into Switzerland’s most famous ski slope and the nearly forgotten dialects of Valais.
Best wishes from Bern

A person from central Switzerland, Fribourg or Graubünden? Who will be Viola Amherd’s successor?
As is customary following a resignation from the Federal Council, speculation is rife about potential candidates. Who will succeed Viola Amherd? The Centre Party can rest assured of keeping its seat, as its claim is both justified and widely recognised.
The name Gerhard Pfister dominates the media discussion as a potential successor. The Centre Party politician recently announced his resignation as party president and is openly vying for a Federal Council position. Pfister is described by the Tages-Anzeiger as a “proven political fox” and is widely regarded as the frontrunner.
Isabelle Chassot has been suggested as a female candidate. A native of Fribourg, she would also represent Switzerland’s French-speaking community. However, she has stated on French-speaking Swiss television that she has no intention of joining the Federal Council.
Another name in the mix is Martin Candinas. As President of the House of Representatives, the Graubünden Centre politician has brought attention to Romansh, frequently announcing vote results in Sursilvan. Candinas represents a younger generation of politicians with substantial experience.
Benedikt Würth, another Centre politician, is also a potential candidate but his St Gallen roots may work against him. Swiss President Karin Keller-Sutter is also from St Gallen and it is unusual for two Federal Council members to hail from the same canton.
- The full Tages-Anzeiger articleExternal link (in German)

Will Ignazio Cassis step down to secure the Radical-Liberal Party’s second seat?
Speculation is growing over whether Ignazio Cassis will also resign from the Federal Council. Unlike the Centre Party, the Radical-Liberal Party’s second seat has been under threat in recent years, with its share of the vote steadily declining.
According to the “magic formula”, the Centre Party is entitled to only one seat on the Federal Council.
However, it could lay claim to the Radical-Liberal Party’s second seat if it becomes vacant. Swiss public broadcaster, SRF, suggests it would be tactically advantageous for Cassis to resign now. Doing so would allow his successor to be elected during the spring session, ahead of the election to fill Amherd’s seat, thereby reducing the risk of the Centre Party challenging the Radical-Liberal Party’s second seat.
Despite these rumours, Cassis shows no signs of wanting to step down. According to Swiss public broadcaster, SRF, he appears unaffected by the speculation. Social Democratic Party Co-President Cédric Wermuth has dismissed concerns that a resignation would alter the centre-right majority in the Federal Council. Meanwhile, Green parliamentary group leader Aline Trede has confirmed that her party does not plan to contest the Centre Party’s seat – unless Cassis resigns.
Cassis’ department has reiterated that he has no intention of stepping down, as reported by the Tages-Anzeiger.
- The full Swiss public television, SRFExternal link article (in German)
- The Tages-AnzeigerExternal link article (in German)

The Lauberhorn downhill returns: almost perfect piste conditions this year
Switzerland’s most famous ski race takes place this Saturday in Wengen. Skiers will race down the 4.4-kilometre Lauberhorn piste, reaching speeds of over 100km/h (62mph).
In today’s Luzerner Zeitung, piste manager Heinz von Allmen shares the challenges of preparing a slope with an altitude difference of over 1,000 metres. This year marks his 30th time managing the piste.
Skiers often criticise the slope for being too soft, too hard or too icy, but von Allmen takes it all in stride: “The track has never been in the same condition twice in all these years.” This year, however, conditions are nearly ideal. Early snowfall, followed by rain, moistened the piste perfectly. Even the notorious Guggi-Föhn winds have been absent.
The Lauberhorn is more than just a ski slope; it is a legendary challenge where many have failed, while others have cemented their fame. To honour its history, Hans Peter Gertsch from Wengen is planning a Lauberhorn Museum. The proposed multi-storey building, with a projected cost of up to CHF8 million ($8.76 million), is expected to open by the race’s 100th anniversary in 2030.
- Read the interview with the piste manager in the Luzerner ZeitungExternal link (paid article, in German)
- Here you can find the article about the Lauberhorn Museum in the Berner ZeitungExternal link (paid article, in German)

Preserving a language: Valais now has weather reports in French Provençal
Switzerland is a nation of dialects – this extends beyond Swiss German. Even in French-speaking regions, unique dialects exist, such as Patois Valaisan, which includes variations like Patois Bagnes, Patois Anniviers and Patois Evolène.
Today, these dialects are spoken mainly by older generations, except in Evolène, where all age groups still use Patois. To promote the dialects, the Amis du Patois de Troistorrents (Friends of the Troistorrents Dialect) now publish weekly online weather reports in regional dialects.
Influenced by Provençal, these French dialects were traditionally passed down orally in Valais’ mountain valleys. According to linguists, their vocabulary reflects a deep connection to nature, with many terms rooted in everyday rural life. By raising awareness, the association aims to elevate the social status of Patois, which was long dismissed “anti-progressive and held in low esteem”.
- What does the Valais patois sound like? Listen to it here on Swiss public radio, RTSExternal link

Picture of the day
When in January is it too late to wish someone “es guets Neus” (Happy New Year in Swiss German)? We debated this over lunch, but couldn’t reach a consensus. However, it’s clearly not too late for a New Year’s reception: yesterday, the Swiss president held her official New Year’s reception in Bern, complete with horses and riders from the Bernese Dragoons 1779 regiment.
Translated from German using DeepL/amva

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