
"Swiss evangelical reformed " is a misleading description of the mostly liberal Landeskirche (State-church) of Switzerland since "evangelical" is used for conservative bible adhering churches in the Anglo Saxon realm. E.g. Anglicans have an evangelical faction and parishes within their denomination.

Nur in einigen Ländern de nördlichen Europas nimmt die Religionszugehörigkeit der Menschen ab. Im Süden und in der übrigen Welt nimmt sie zu. Viele Menschen die aus einer Kirche oder Glaubensgemeinschaft austreten, sind nicht per se ungläubig. Der Austritt erfolgt nicht immer darum, weil jemand nicht mehr an Gott glaubt. Man kann auch an eine höhere unsichtbare Macht oder an Gott glauben, ohne einer Glaubensgemeinschaft anzugehören. Ich meinerseits bin katholisch getauft, erzogen, gefirmt und ausgebildet worden. 1983 trat ich aus der Kirche aus, weil ich die Kirchensteuer als massiv zu hoch empfand. Ein Kompromiss mit der Kirchenverwaltung war unmäglich. Ich fühle mich aber nach wie vor als Katholiken.

Should I force my perspectives into someone else's ? No.
For the gift of faith only comes from God.
Is not me giving the faith to the person when is about religion
Is God giving the faith to that person through his priests.
This is why I don't agree with forcing anyone to believe but being given an opportunity is differently. If a person believes great if a person unfortunately doesn't believe them that cannot be forced to believe but that person can be helped to answer questions
But never force.
For the gift of Faith only comes from God

... 実際にはその後も虚無感があります... 絶対的な空虚感があります。なぜなら、それが永遠ではなかったことに気づき、その人はそれが永遠ではなく、ほんの一瞬の間非常に短命だったので、そのギャップを埋める方法を見つけ始めるからです。
I am a Christian Roman Catholic.
Why don't I follow the trends and join the membership of atheism?
Why don't I just give up so the moral compass is somewhat erased in other aspects to just 'enjoy life to the fullest'?
Do I think religion should be imposed on others?
All of these are very good questions and I will address these questions properly
First let's begin the very last question and then to the reminder questions.
I don't think religion should be forced nor imposed on people
However I believe in the Christian Catholic faith, regarless if rite, because is the true faith I have really experienced God's existence although I haven't seen him outside the Holy Eucharist but I know he certainly exists not just based on feelings itself but also reason explains that even the chemical and physical world is very chronological very monarchical structured even throught the chemical compositions and the rules of physics that God created everything for good use, he gave humanity the ability to think things through an to reason.
However just as all life matters, we are upheld responsibility and must be accountable for our actions on how we take care what is created by God.
When I spent the most times alone he always was there, God.
When I was very alone the virgin Mary helped me in several ways.
And I can say I was at a brink of being without food almost but thank to God always provided when I was having a difficult time . And I am still having some difficulties. But not as bad as when I was living in the streets for a time.
I could have lost faith and say " ohhh forget all of this " but I haven't because I know for sure God does exist and will forever exist he never forgets about those who pray to Him and help
Why not just give up and loose my moral compass?
As all humans we have temptations naturally everywhere in the world.
Sometimes some persons is easier to pretend for God to not exist and throw away all moral compass to be able to go ahead and fulfill all their most passionate feelings but that isn't the proper solution.
. actually even afterwards there is a void... there is an sense of absolute emptiness because is realised that wasn't forever and then that person realise that since that wasn't forever and was just for a moment very short lived then starts finding a way to fill that gap.
There is a new religion on the horizon or already being practiced by many is called lust unfortunately.
Some confuse lust with love.
Don't misunderstand me I am not puritan nor mormon nor islamic in my personal perspective.
The human body God created beautiful the person.
There is a good purpose.
However just as everything in life there should be moderation which naturally can't be forced because virtue only grows when someone consciously decides to do what is right. Not when someone is forced to do what is right.
Sometimes is necessary to create laws such as for example, laws against murders and abortions I fully agree in making such provisions I really do agree.
However there is other elements which we cannot put laws unless if is to protect the innocence of children and preserve I agree.
If a country makes every sort of law to stop sin, then that person won't gain spiritually anything
Because then wasn't willingly chosen by that particular person to make a full willing free conscious decisions.
But when is made fully consciously and with self discipline and determination then only then life improves.
Is when that person realise there is something greater than self.
Is when that person begins to understand that there is more meaning.
Before I used to say that there should be rules for this and that. But then as I started to study more my faith and see what the early church saints said including the father of the holy liturgy/mass such as saint John Chrysostom he said people cannot grow in virtue when they are forced to make proper decisions and he forbade even confessors To make laws to force people to do good.
However he is not saying that a society should be lawless and anarchist neither that is another extreme which cannot be agreed.
Reason churches are abandoned is because some people understand that the Catholic religion isn't a religion where accommodates feelings and emotions and self personal interpretations where the religion becomes mouldable and can be changed into anyone's personal perspectives.
Religion is what helps a person turn to something more noble and understand that as equally as we haven't seen other planets with our own eyes
God although we don't see him as you and I, except in the eucharistic, we know he definitely exists.
Some people then ask me.
If God exists then why he allows all the evil in the world to exist?
God doesn't agree with evils, God doesn't approve of evil actions by human beings.
But equally he doesn't force people to choose the right path and doesn't force people to love him because God is a full gentleman that really truly wants people to choose Him willingly.
People unfortunately choose bad decision in their own. But they can rectify
When a person makes an evil decision that cannot be blamed to God
In a theoretical example:
Is as the father who teaches his son all the proper ways of life morals etc and then once the son reaches proper age and let's say the son corrupts the father cannot be blamed by his son's decisions.
The son only has to blame himself for such decisions.
God gave all the precepts to humanity , but is entirely up to humanity to choose
That is how real life is.
I am not endorsing immortality.
But what I am saying is when people make a decision only a right full conscience decision can be fully made when that person has freedom equally when a person makes a conscious decision that person can truly grow in virtues
When a person is forced to grow in virtues then many times instead of helping the person acquire a virtue does the complete opposite.
When someone is a kid yes parents have the duty to help the kids
But once the son or daughter reaches to certain age that son or daughter has to be fully responsible for their own actions .
Thanks to God I have faith and believe always in Christian Catholic faith forever

En 2012 j'ai demandé mon apostasie de l'église catholique romaine, Pourquoi?
Le nombre d'affaires de pédophilie au sein de celle ci...
Je ne crois pas en la doxa religieuse, j'ai JAMAIS vu ce soi disant "dieu" en chair et en os!
Comment une vierge peut enfanter? Ils connaissait la GPA a l'époque???
comment Adam a pu fabriquer une femme a partir d'une côte? Ils connaissait le transhumanisme a l'époque???
Qui a écrit la bible???
Bref je suis réfractaire a toute doxa et toute propagande, je n'ai JAMAIS payé la redevance, je ne suis abonné a AUCUN journal, je ne regarde que la réinfosphère "complotiste" et je hais les publicités sous TOUTES ses formes...

カトリック教会には少数派の神父もいる。 大多数は善意者だが、残念なことにメディアはその数を誇張し、誹謗中傷を増やすために多くの人が冤罪を持ち込んだ......。
Many of the supposedly cases that you mentioned of the Catholic church actually another article was published of how many ocassions most American media neglect to rectify when there is many priests who were proven innocent.
And the media only leave a very bad note. But then they don't evaluate their own senators who have a worse reputation. Although not every American senator is a child molester, unfortunately there is many more.
The Catholic church there is some priests which are a minority. The majority are goodwilled but unfortunately the media exaggerated the numbers and many brought false accusations to increase slanderous accusations....
And then the court proven their innocent and the media never rectified their reputations.
How can American media be reliable when information is not proper?
When there is plenty of misinformation? Naturally this is why many Americans are doubting the media nowadays. They know, although not everyone, majority don't believe in the media rightfully.
Why? American Media gives very biased perspective unfortunately.

Ich bin sehr traurig, wenn ich sehe was mit der katholischen Kirche passiert. Ich habe nur gute Erinnerungen und gehe auch heute noch oft in die Kirche. Geprägt hat mich einen Jugendchor, (kath.) dort war ich von Anfang an bis zum bitteren ende nach 19 Jahren. Wir sangen für den Papst Johannes Pau II in Bern, sammelten durch ein kleines Musical CHF 100'000 für Straßenkinder in Brasilien, hatten Geburtstagsfeste und Weekends vor allem im Tessin. Es geht da sehr viel Verloren. Natürlich haben die Missbrauchs-Taten viele Verschreckt und sind gegangen. Je mehr gehen, umso schwieriger wird es, dass ganze wieder aufzubauen.

Ich glaube an eine höhere Macht, bin aber nicht ein Frömmler. Katholisch getauft, aufgewachsen und geheiratet. Die Kinder ebenfalls katholisch getauft und aufgewachsen. Später ist unsere Familie aus der Kirche ausgetreten, weil wir die hohen Kirchensteuern nicht annehmen konnten. Einen Kompromiss akzeptierte die Kirchenverwaltung nicht. Wir fühlen uns trotzdem unserem Glauben verbunden und praktizieren ihn auch ungezwungen. Ein Kirchenaustritt heisst nicht unbedingt, dass man gottlos und ungläubig wird. Der jüdisch/christliche Glaube bzw. die Bibel gibt auf alle menschlichen Probleme eine Antwort mit vielen Weisheiten, auch heute noch. Ein Priester oder Rabbi kann den Psychiater meistens ersetzen. Im übrigen nehmen die Gläubigenmitglieder nur in Nordeuropa ab. In der übrigen Welt nehmen sie rasant zu, ebenso die Gottesdienstbesuche.
Beste Grüsse aus Südafrika

I am agnostic. I have an analytical mind and consider the question of whether God exists or not to be unknowable, which is why I don’t believe it. I also clearly distinguish between faith and religion. I treat religious people, if they do not impose their faith, with respect, because I understand that faith in God is largely based on emotional feelings, but I have a negative attitude towards religion because I consider it an irrational way of managing people (but I admit that that religion has brought more good than bad to the history of mankind, in particular Europe).


Привет, меня зовут Даниил. Более 12 лет изучаю философию, различные направления в религии, западную и ближневосточную культуры, а также оккультизм, особенно в период с XII по XIX век н.э. Я сторонник объективного идеализма и учения христианства первого века. Готов участвовать в дискуссиях и онлайн-дебатах по этим темам, а также другим. Пишите, буду рад общению.

I am religious, but more important is that peaceful neutrality originates from the neutral Vatican state, i.e. neutrality ceases to exist when people become a secular people. Therefore is my native Sweden planning to join NATO instead. Religion is fundamental to neutrality.

私は両親からカトリック教会の洗礼を受けたが、同じようには感じなかったので礼拝には出席しなかった。ティーンエイジャーの頃、私は "スピリチュアリティ "と融合し始め、RAMAと呼ばれるUFOグループに参加したとき、新たな地平がさらに開かれた。これによって私は、「すべて」が自分の中にあり、物理的にどこにいるかなんてどうでもいいことに気づいたのです。
Fui batizada na igreja católica pelos meus pais porém nunca frequentei os cultos por não sentir afinidade. Na adolescência fui me integrando com a "espiritualidade" e novos horizontes foram se abrindo ainda mais quando entrei num grupo de ufologia chamado RAMA. Isso fez com que percebesse que "tudo" estava em mim e realmente não importava onde eu estivesse como lugar físico.

I believe in me. That's all I need. If there were no religions in the world, just think how many wars there would not have been. Just think how many people would still be alive.

Ritengo che la consapevolezza di un Amore più grande che ci precede e ci succede ed il desiderio di vivere, già su questa terra, una relazione autentica con questo Amore che diventerà, un giorno, un tutt'uno indistinguibile ed eterno, è indispensabile per combattere quel senso comune a tutti di "orfananza" e potersi finalmente sentire amati ed accolti in questo mondo. È una fonte di bellezza indispensabile e vitale a cui poter attingere per poi portarla nella relazione con gli altri, con umiltà, come proprio piccolo contributo di amore per migliorare il mondo in cui si vive.

Sono nato cattolico e pure battezzato, ma con gli anni ho capito, in base ad accurate analisi storiche e filosofiche , che come dice Nietzsche, "Dio è morto" a questa civiltà, e resterà morto. Il che significa che il credo nelle narrazioni religiose è ormai venuto meno per quasi la maggioranza della popolazione, che oggigiorno sa analizzare criticamente la storia, sempre che lo voglia fare. Infatti tutte le religioni sono fondate su narrazioni umane, solo umane, come dice Spinoza nel suo "Tractatus" filosofico-politico. Ciò non significa affatto che sia morta anche la spiritualità, che è ben altra cosa del credo cieco nei dogmi religiosi. Con queste convinzioni mi sono dimesso dalla chiesa cattolica e ora mi professo ateo o agnostico, il che cambia poco. Gli agnostici in genere sospendono il giudizio, rimanendo possibilisti.

Sono religioso, almeno dal punto di vista filosofico. È una risposta passata, per il futuro.

Purtroppo , con tutto quanto di molto brutto succede nel mondo , e soprattutto continuano , per me è molto difficile essere religioso ..

Si. Perché ci credo. In fondo, ho una doppia possibilità.
La diminuzione religiosa? È frutto dei tempi. Passerà e la civiltà ne avrà giovamento.

avrà giovamento solo senza le religioni guerrafondaie!

Buenos días, soy nueva y soy creyente.Jamás podría ser atea

Bin bekennender Atheist so lange ich mich entsinnen kann. Habe niemals auch nur für einen einzigen Moment an die Existenz einer höheren Macht geglaubt. Auschwitz und Srebrenica sind Beweis genug für die Nichtexistenz eines allmächtigen barmherzigen Gottes. Religionen ganz allgemein - und das Christentum im Besonderen - haben jahrhundertelang bis zum heutigen Tag eine Spur von Tod und Verwüstung hinter sich gelassen, die in der Weltgeschichte ihresgleichen sucht.

私は神が人間の不幸の仕掛け人だとは思っていない。ただ、誰かがGOTT MIT UNSにその具体性を示したことを観察しているだけである。私たちは今日でも、グリーンカードに「IN GOD WE TRUST」と記されているのを目にする。
Sull'ateismo, prendo atto, osservando che le possibilità passano da 2 a 1.
Non credo che Dio sia il mandante delle disgrazie umane. Mi limito ad osservare che qualcuno indicava in GOTT MIT UNS, la propria specificità. Vediamo ancora oggi, sul biglietto verde, la scritta: IN GOD WE TRUST.
Mi chiedo, ma in tutto questo, Dio che c'entra?

Which green card? What are you talking about. Nowhere on my Swiss permit or Swiss passport is written anything about God, and for that I am thankfull, because religion has nothing to do with goverment.