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Bern and Biel/Bienne enter the Swiss race to host Eurovision 2025

Bern and Biel enter the race for Eurovision Song Contest 2025
Rapper Nemo – the reason why Switzerland is to host next year's Eurovision Song Contest. Keystone-SDA

Various Swiss cities are jostling to host next year's Eurovision Song Contest (ESC): Geneva, Basel, Zurich, and a Bern-Biel joint bid have all now thrown their hat in the ring.

The cities of Bern and Biel/Bienne have become the latest to submit a (joint) bid, under the slogan “Bern United”, the City of Bern announced on Thursday.

Bern’s city government approved a loan of CHF7 million ($7.8 million) for costs that the city could incur in connection with the major event. The city parliament still has to decide on the credit.


The ESC 2025 would be held in Bern’s new festival hall, which is currently under construction. Other events related to the event could take place in the Tissot Arena in Biel/Bienne.

The contest is to take place in Switzerland after rapper Nemo from Biel/Bienne won this year’s edition in Malmö, Sweden. The Swiss Broadcasting Corporation (SBC,’s parent company) will decide which city will be chosen.

Geneva, Basel and Zurich have already put themselves forward.

Adapted from German by DeepL/dos

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