Swiss perspectives in 10 languages


A new generation builds rockets


Lift off! Swiss students build next-gen reusable rockets

This content was published on Rocket-building used to be the sole preserve of space-faring nations like the United States or Russia. Now many other players are getting involved from private companies to young researchers, even from Switzerland.

Read more: Lift off! Swiss students build next-gen reusable rockets
Young girls in West Africa.


Breaking menstruation taboos in West Africa 

This content was published on Over 300 million girls and women worldwide menstruate every day, yet in West Africa the topic remains taboo. Some NGOs are trying to change local attitudes to periods.

Read more: Breaking menstruation taboos in West Africa 
Botanical Garden in Bern


Should the Swiss invest more in biodiversity?

This content was published on The Swiss will be voting on a biodiversity initiative on 22 September. It seeks to give nature more space and resources but is considered too extreme by its opponents.

Read more: Should the Swiss invest more in biodiversity?
To induce death, individuals climb into the pod-looking chamber and press a button inside that releases nitrogen into the chamber. The individual dies as a result of nitrogen hypoxia, a method which the makers claim is not painful.


Assisted suicide for CHF18 ($20)?

This content was published on This would be an “egalitarian” death, says Fiona Stewart, a founding member of the organisation The Last Resort.

Read more: Assisted suicide for CHF18 ($20)?
found in space logo


What’s inside a comet?

This content was published on Watch how two Bern astrophysicists are hoping to dig beneath the surface of a comet to find out more about the origins of the solar system.

Read more: What’s inside a comet?
Decommissioned Bernese trams sent to Ukraine.


Swiss trams embark on a rare journey to Ukraine

This content was published on SWI speaks to the specialists preparing Swiss trams for transfer to Ukraine and to the Lviv public transport staff who will operate them.

Read more: Swiss trams embark on a rare journey to Ukraine

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR