Swiss perspectives in 10 languages

How do you keep up to date with Swiss news?

Hosted by: Melanie Eichenberger

What are the most important things for you when consulting the media?

Around 776,000 people worldwide have a Swiss passport but do not live in Switzerland. We are interested in how you get information on what is happening in Switzerland and in the rest of the world and how you maintain contact with Switzerland and other Swiss people living abroad.

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Roger Geronimo
Roger Geronimo
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.

Hello Melanie
I just did the survey :-D, because I think it's important that we Swiss abroad are noticed and also represented, because without information and background reports we would be more or less cut off.

More than 17 years ago we emigrated to France. Because we still own properties in Switzerland we are still well rooted in Switzerland and travel 2-6 times a year to Switzerland. Before we emigrated we used our country estate, which is about 550 km away from Zurich, as a vacation and weekend home. Until it became clear to us that we have to/want to actively change our lives and that our future, our dreams, plans and ideas can certainly be realized rather in France.
Due to this fact we inform ourselves daily what is happening in Switzerland. Be it with, newspapers, internet or TV.
But we are also very well integrated here in South Burgundy and take part in life. Politically, we can/are only allowed to play a very limited role in our new home. So there remain associations like festival committees etc. where we can get involved. We are planning to make our 10'000 m2 park, which we have created and planted alone and without help in the last 25 years, accessible to the public. So we bring ourselves here among other things. Of course we also inform ourselves with a French daily newspaper, radio and TV what is going on in France. So we always have the view of both homelands.

We participate in all votes in Switzerland without information from Switzerland would not work.
Whether we will ever go back to Switzerland. At the moment we can't imagine it. Somehow we think we don't fit into the "Swiss system" anymore. Perhaps the western part of Switzerland would be the best option, especially when we analyze our voting behavior, we have to realize again and again that we vote more like French-speaking Swiss and not like German-speaking Swiss.

I think it's great that is an open bridge that conveys and exchanges content, information, stories and much more.
Keep it up for us you are important.
Many greetings from Brionnais

Hallo Melanie
habe eben die Befragung gemacht :-D, weil ich wichtig finde das wir Auslandsschweizer wahrgenommen und auch vertreten werden, denn ohne Informationen und Hintergrundberichte wären wir quasi abgenabelt.

Vor über 17 Jahren sind wir nach Frankreich ausgewandert. Weil wir immer noch Liegenschaften in der Schweiz besitzen sind wir nach wie vor gut verwurzelt mit der Schweiz und reisen 2-6 mal pro Jahr in die Schweiz. Bevor wir ausgewandert sind haben wir unser Landgut, das gut 550 km von Zürich entfernt ist als Ferien- und Wochenendhaus genutzt. Bis uns dann klar wurde, dass wir unser Leben aktiv umgestalten müssen/wollen und unsere Zukunft, unsere Träume, Pläne und Vorstellungen sicher eher in Frankreich verwirklichen können.
Aufgrund dieser Tatsache informieren wir uns täglich was in der Schweiz passiert. Sei es mit, Zeitungen, Internet oder TV.
Wir sind aber auch sehr gut hier im Südburgund integriert und nehmen am Leben teil. Politisch können/dürfen wir uns aktiv in unserer neuen Heimat nur sehr beschränkt einbringen. Somit bleiben Vereine wie Festkomitees etc. wo wir uns einbringen können. Wir planen unseren rund 10'000 m2 grossen Park den wir in den letzten 25 Jahren allein und ohne Hilfe angelegt resp. gepflanzt haben öffentlich zugänglich zu machen. So bringen wir uns hier u.a. ein. Selbstverständlich infromieren wir uns auch mit einer Französischen Tageszeitung, Radio und TV was in Frankreich ist. So haben wir immer die Sicht auf beide Heimaten.

Wir nehmen an allen Abstimmungen in der Schweiz teil ohne Informationen aus der Schweiz ginge das nicht.
Ob wir jemals wieder in die Schweiz zurück gehen. Im Moment können wir uns das nicht mehr vorstellen. Irgendwie denken wir, passen wir nicht mehr in das "System Schweiz". Am ehesten käme vielleicht die Westschweiz in Frage, gerade wenn wir unser Abstimmungsverhalten analysieren müssen wir immer wieder feststellen, dass wir eher wie Romands und nicht wie Deutschschweizer abstimmen.

Ich finde es toll, dass eine offene Brücke ist, die Inhalte, Informationen, Geschichten und vieles mehr vermittelt und austauscht.
Macht weiter so für uns seit Ihr wichtig.
Viele Grüsse aus dem Brionnais

Melanie Eichenberger
Melanie Eichenberger
The following contribution has been automatically translated from DE.
@Roger Geronimo

Dear Roger
Thank you very much for your contribution. We already had the luck to meet each other at the two "public" editorial meetings of our Swiss-Abroad-Beat. Please let us know when you open your park. Maybe this would be interesting for other Swiss abroad.

Also of interest could be our editorial meeting for other members of the Swiss-Abroad-Community. In this meeting you, dear Swiss Abroad, will see how we work and how new articles are planned. You have the opportunity to give us feedback and share your wishes for future coverage.

If you would like to participate next time, please send us a message.

Lieber Roger
Vielen Dank für deinen Beitrag. Wir hatten ja schon das Glück, einander an den beiden "öffentlichen" Redaktionssitzungen von unserem Swiss-Abroad-Beat kennenzulernen. Bitte gib uns doch Bescheid, wenn ihr euren Park eröffnet. Vielleicht wäre das auch für andere Auslandschweizer:innen interessant.

Ebenfalls von Interesse könnte unsere Redaktionssitzung für andere Mitglieder der Swiss-Abroad-Community sein. In diesem Meeting sehen Sie, liebe Auslandschweizer:innen, wie wir arbeiten und wie neue Artikel geplant werden. Sie haben die Möglichkeit, uns Feedback zu geben und Ihre Wünsche für künftige Berichterstattung mitzuteilen.

Wenn Sie das nächste Mal teilnehmen möchten, senden Sie uns doch eine Nachricht.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

Swissinfo and online newspapers.

Swissinfo e giornali online.

Lamine Faye
Lamine Faye
The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

How are you, Melanie?

Ça va Mélanie.Comment allez vous ?


News when channeled through a medium is already tainted with opinion.

I agree with a reader here who describes many (if not most) swiss living overseas are not interested in the local news of Switzerland. Why should they be interested?

I think Swissinfo is looking for a pat on the back. Here it is. Swissinfo provides good news but very small in quantity. It will be appreciated if you increase the volume of news on your excellent news site. Your attempts at being neutral shines through also. I hope you keep up this good work.

Melanie Eichenberger
Melanie Eichenberger

We are committed to trustworthy journalism and combating fake news. SWI has been certified for transparent and professional journalism, according to the standards of the Journalism Trust Initiative (JTI). Therefore, our reporting must reflect a diversity of opinions and cultures, and must be independent from any political or economic interests.

As part of our public service mandate, we provide independent reporting on Swiss politics, business, science, culture and society. To answer your question why Swiss citizens living abroad should be interested in news from Switzerland: Many Swiss abroad like to vote on issues in Switzerland and stay informed about what’s happening in the country.

It’s a part of our job to give them all the relevant information they need to exercise their political rights in Switzerland, so we report on issues that are relevant.

We are not looking for a pat on the back. Part of SWI mission is to promote closer ties between Swiss people living abroad and their homeland and to increase awareness of Switzerland abroad.

This is why it is important for us to know the specific information needs of Swiss abroad so that we can provide them better with the information they need in the future. It is also an opportunity for Swiss people living abroad to give us direct feedback and to help us develop our services further. Conducting surveys periodically is an important method for us to achieve that.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

swissinfo is a good source of information

swissinfo est un bon moyen d'information

Testname Grewe
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About the great information on Swissinfo.

Über die tollen Informationen auf Swissinfo.

Frejus Bourgeois
Frejus Bourgeois
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Hola perdona por la molestia del idioma yo nací en Suiza en caso que vuelva de nuevo tengo más facilidades de que no nace en Suiza porque me gustaría volver de nuevo Suiza

Melanie Eichenberger
Melanie Eichenberger

Guten Tag und danke für Ihren Kommentar. Zur Einreise in die Schweiz finden Sie unter folgendem Link Informationen: [url][/url]

marco brenni
marco brenni
The following contribution has been automatically translated from IT.

I have several Swiss relatives and friends who live abroad such as Italy, Germany, USA, Argentina, but unfortunately the majority seem to show very little interest in Swiss domestic political affairs. In short, it's a bit like "out of sight, out of mind", with very few exceptions. In fact, when I talk to them about Swiss issues, even pending votes, they do not seem to show any interest, unless they are specifically involved as "Swiss abroad". And it also depends on how one lives abroad: those who only temporarily stay abroad are obviously more interested in Swiss affairs, while those who have definitively chosen to live and work abroad are rarely interested in Swiss politics and, if anything, only occasionally. The majority follows, when they follow (!) our events mainly through satellite TV and almost never through newspapers.

Ho diversi parenti e amici svizzeri che vivono all'estero come Italia, Germania, USA, Argentina, ma purtroppo la maggioranza sembra mostrare ben poco interesse alle vicende politiche interne svizzere. Insomma è un po' il "lontano dagli occhi, lontano dal cuore", salvo rare eccezioni. Infatti quando con loro parlo di tematiche svizzere, pendenti anche in votazione, non sembrano mostrare interesse, a meno che siano coinvolti in modo specifico come "Svizzeri all'estero". E poi dipende anche da come si vive all'estero: chi vi soggiorna solo temporaneamente, resta ovviamente più interessato alle vicende svizzere, mentre chi ha definitivamente scelto di risiedere e lavorare all'estro, la politica svizzera interessa ben di raro e semmai, solo saltuariamente. La maggioranza segue, quando segue (!) i nostri eventi soprattutto tramite la TV satellitare e quasi mai tramite i giornali.

Melanie Eichenberger
Melanie Eichenberger
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@marco brenni

Thank you very much for your interesting comments.

Vielen Dank für Ihre interessanten Ausführungen.

The following contribution has been automatically translated from FR.

I live in Switzerland and more than a year ago I asked myself about the possibilities of information that the citizen gets. I am only interested in the written press. I was only interested in the French-speaking region by subscribing to 6 e-paper subscriptions without any restrictions. My method was simple. Each daily paper was treated the same way. I "cut out" the articles that met my interest and retained the editorial team.
What I expect from the written press
1) Honest information of course...who, what, how, where.
2 - It results in an awareness if the information contains a little pedagogy because without this contribution no salvation possible to a possible change of readership.
3 - Then one can debate, weave an essential link with an editorial team to form an appreciation of democracy and its politics.
4 - Then the essential...the follow-up.
I notice the evolution of the digital tool made available.
A disaster because it is cut and paste with a certain pretension to play the close reader, a friend to be tutored and to solicit his opinion by nonsense, like yes-no, your opinion, important or not ... etc etc..
I also notice that the letter of the reader, to summarize, makes me think of personal attitudes often, very often without control of public interest, except the gain of a paper page. I dare not tell you what I think of the comments on the digital e-paper version.
Finally, why not fight against these free gazettes champions of the buzz in the hands of characters who claim to the right of information with no other concern than "to make money" by other ways. The information must be paid for by all the media worthy of a contribution with the ethics that befits journalism. For that, it would be necessary to do something else than a subsidy, certainly to question oneself at least on the French-speaking territory.

J'habite en Suisse et il y plus d'une année je me suis posé la question à propos des possibilités d'information que le citoyen obtient. Mon propos ne tiens compte que de la presse écrite. Je ne me suis intéressé qu'à la région francophone en souscrivant 6 abonnements e-paper sans dédite restrictive. Ma méthode était simple. Chaque quotidien subissait le même sort. Je "découpais " les articles qui répondaient à mon intérêt et je retenais l'équipe de rédaction.
Qu'est-ce que j'attends de la presse écrite
1.- Une information honnête bien sûr...qui, quoi, comment, où.
2.- Il en résulte une prise de conscience si l'info contient un peu de pédagogie car sans cet apport point de salut possible à une éventuelle relève du lectorat.
3.- Alors on peut débattre, tisser un lien essentiel avec une équipe de rédaction pour se former à une appéciation de la démocratie et à sa politique .
4.- Ensuite l'essentiel...le suivi.
Je remarque l'évolution de l'outil numérique mis à disposition.
Une catastrophe car c'est du couper-coller avec une certaine prétention à jouer au lecteur proche, un copain à tutoyer et à solliciter son avis par des niaiseries, genre oui-non, ton opinion,important ou pas... etc etc.
Je remarque aussi que la lettre du lecteur, pour résumer, me fait penser à des attitudes personnelles souvent , très souvent sans contrôle d'intérêt publique, sauf le gain d'une page papier. Je n'ose vous dire ce que je pense des commentaires sur la version numérique e-paper.
Enfin, pourquoi ne pas combattre ces gazettes gratuites championnes du buzz aux mains de personnages qui prétendent au droit de l’information sans autre souci que de « faire de l’argent» par d’autres chemins. L'information doit être payante pour tous les support dignes d'un apport avec l'éthique qui sied au journalisme. Pour cela il faudrait autre chose qu'une subvention, certainement se remettre en question au moins sur le territoire romand.

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