Todo es un cuento. A ver si nos enteramos de una vez !Los medios estan controlados por los lobbies del franco suizo y manejan esas consultas a placer. Y todavia hay incredulos que deciden algo …. Si… igual esos lobbies les dejan decidir sobre a que hora cierran las gasolinberas … pero sobre algo mas serio? Olvidaros
Before you decide to silence people you must understand why they request the vote in the first place. With Covid there is a clear fear and distrust about something, from almost half of the population that voted. Also those who are the most affected by the covid law do not have the right to vote (children, young people and foreigners) We must vote as many times as people request for it.
こんにちは、ANONA、人々は沈黙していなかった - コビッドのトピックに関する[url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/swiss-voters-likely-to-back-covid-19-law/48599666]3つの投票があった[/url] そして、有権者の大多数は、毎回対策を支持することを決定した。しかし、私はそれが人々が投票に問題を持って来るために十分な署名を収集する努力を通過する理由を理解することが重要であることに同意します。また、投票権に関するあなたの意見も非常に興味深い。若者や外国人の投票をめぐる議論はたくさんある:
[url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/foreigner-voting-rights/29288474]外国人 投票権[/url]
Hi ANONA, people were not silenced - there were [url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/swiss-voters-likely-to-back-covid-19-law/48599666]three votes on the topic of Covid[/url], and the majority of voters decided to support the measures every time. But I do agree that it is important to understand why people go through the effort of collecting enough signatures to bring an issue to vote. I also find your input on voting right very interesting - there are lots of discussions around young people and foreigners voting:
[url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/voting-rights---the-foreign-community-is-too-big-to-be-ignored-/47098792]Voting rights: ‘The foreign community is too big to be ignored’[/url]
[url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/foreigner-voting-rights/29288474]Foreigner voting rights[/url]
[url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/youth-parliaments---the-springboard-of-swiss-democracy/48526042]Youth parliaments – the springboard of Swiss democracy[/url]
[url=https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/opinion_time-to-let-16-and-17-year-olds-vote/44983684]It’s time to let 16- and 17-year-olds vote[/url]
[url=http://https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/opinion_are-16-year-olds-mature-enough-to-vote--no-/44986716]Are 16-year-olds mature enough to vote? No.[/url]
As older voters die off, and younger people become eligible to vote, there should be regular repeat votes on the same issue, say every 5 years or so. Also, foreigners should have the right to vote where they live, if they are working and pay taxes there. Imagine if there were another Brexit vote now (7 years later), I think the result would be remain.
Hi LYNX, thank you for your contribution! Do you mean established regular votes? Which topics do you think would be good to vote on regularly?
Foreigners have voting rights in some cantons - you can find more information here: [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/foreigner-voting-rights/29288474[/url]
I agree that people change and situations change. Voting on same topic can be scheduled like 5-10 years apart but not sooner.
With regard to the history, It seems not the best idea to give foreigners the right to vote.
Lets remember the Sack of Rome (455) or the Anschluss of Austria 1938 to Germany. With a right to vote it will be easier to do an Anschluss an eliminate the peace.
Should people who vote not have a heart for the natives so that peace remain?
Further, how can the people and the economy have a stable situation if every 5 years everything could change?
This is why the Swiss have never had an empire and only occupy land smaller than Greater London. That, and not having a sea or an ocean to help invade other countries. If you pay taxes here, you should be allowed to vote here, regardless of your nationality. Or don't tax foreigners.
I know foreigners can vote in some places, not all. But they should be allowed to vote in their community, canton and nationally, but only if they make a positive contribution by working. Not those that live on handouts. Regular topics - basic income, more holidays, less tax, a national health system, joining the EU (now the UK is out, it would be nice if my CH passport was also an EU one), making English a national language (I think it's already Nr 2 most spoken). Often there are great topics never to be heard of again, as the Swiss tend to look at how much it will cost them as individuals rather than the benefit for specific groups. Quite often if something is good for the poor, the rich Swiss vote against it.
- 政府を選ぶために総選挙が行われる。20の政党が政権を争う。
- 57%が棄権し、私のように誰が政権を取っても同じだと考えている。
- 票の43%は左右の最も代表的な政党が占め、残りの票は重要性のない小政党が占める。
- これらの小政党が政権獲得の鍵を握る。
- 彼らは、小政党の利益と引き換えに、ありえない協定を結ぶだろう。それが大きな話題となり、彼らの思惑通り、同盟する可能性のある政党に圧力をかけるだろう。
La Democracia tan loada por todos los países occidentales, no es más que un engaño para el pueblo que cree que elige a los Gobiernos.
Nada más lejos de la realidad, por ejemplo con esta hipótesis:
- Se convocan elecciones generales para elegir el Gobierno. 20 partidos concurren para detentar el poder.
- Hay 57% abstención, gente que como yo, cree que da igual quién gobierne
- El 43% de votos son para los partidos más representivos de izquierda y derecha, el resto de votos son para los partidillos carentes de significancia.
- Esos partidillos serán la clave para obtener el gobierno
- Harán pactos imposibles, a cambio de beneficios para los partidillos, que sacarán pecho y presionarán a conveniencia al posible partido que se alíe.
-Gobiernos como el español, con alianzas con terroristas etarras, neo comunistas que son despreciados por la mayor parte del pueblo.
Obtenemos, un señor Sánchez que mintiendo a sus propios electores, prometiendo que jamás se aliaría con comunistas y etarras, tras las elecciones, se retracta de sus promesas, traicionando a ese pueblo que ni lo ha elegido, ni ha elegido a sus aliados… de qué tipo de Democracia estamos hablando… de una mentira ilusoria que engaña al pueblo.
Buenos días, ha escrito usted mis palabras. Siento decepción que Suiza haya sido igual de manipulada con el tema covid, y la “presunta” vacuna que, al menos en España sigue matando a los pobres abuelos en residencias de ancianos, donde son inyectados con una substancia no probada y que tiene muy serios efectos secundarios, bajo amenaza de echarlos si se niegan.
Mis padres, ambos, han muerto por las inyecciones, lo que me ha partido el alma, nunca perdonaré a los políticos basurientos criminales, ni a esos que se denominan médicos, que callan aún sabiendo que esto es un crimen contra la humanidad, me rio de los Hitler, Stalin, Mao… la sofisticación empleada por la mal llamada vacuna ha producido y está produciendo millones de muertes, con la anuencia de Gobiernos. Científicos, Periodistas, Médicos … Espero no vivir demasiado para ver y padecer la sociedad de tontos manipulados y aborregados en que se está convirtiendo este mundo
国会が国民の代表として仕事をすることはないので、国民がその都度決定しなければならないが、残念なことに、同じ国会が法律を施行する仕事をすることはない。セカンドハウス、LAT、Covid、via secura、気候など、その例はたくさんある。
Ma foi, le Parlement ne faisant jamais son travail, comme élu du peuple, le peuple doit à chaque fois trancher et, malheureusement, ce même Parlement ne fait ensuite jamais son travail, encore, pour faire appliquer. De nombreux cas en exemples, les résidences secondaires, la LAT, le Covid, via secura, le climat et j'en passe.
La democrazia è partecipazione. Quindi molto bene che i popolo sia stato chiamato ad approvare o respingere la legge.
Una questione importante - propedeutica al voto informato e consapevole - è il tema dell'informazione pubblica e privata e se questa è stata sufficiente e priva di toni o elementi propagandistici.
スイス国民は、世界のどの国民もほとんど持っていない権利を持っています。 すべてが嘘であったことがわかったとき、私たちはその過ちを正すための法的、政治的能力を持つ世界で唯一の国民となるのです。 この権利を決して奪ってはならない。
The Swiss people have rights that nearly no other people in the world have. When we discover that it was all a lie we will be the only people in the world with a legal and political capacity to right the wrong. Never let them take this away from us.
IN real life, it is all about perception. Swiss is a master of perception and also deception. Yes we all think our vote matters. Have our votes really translated to action on our opinion? More often than not, higher powers will review the votes and then decide "creatively" their own decision.
Hi HAT, could you provide sources on how "higher powers decide creatively their own decision"?
It is annoying. We expressed out vill, it feels like they try to change our opinion. We vote again and again only on subject that benefits the politicians. I wish we voted again about Serafe, like belug was cheaper... considering we are paying for services I have never used in my life. No TV connection, no radio in the car. Only Internet and monitors. Let's vote on that again? Oh no we are waisting money voting over and over about covid which made richer people more profits... let's do that
SWI swissinfo.chはその資金の50%をライセンス料から得ています。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください:[url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/about-swi[/url]
an interesting bit of information, SWI swissinfo.ch receives 50% of its funding from licence fees. You can find out more about us here: [url]https://www.swissinfo.ch/eng/about-swi[/url]
Je trouve que lorsqu'il s'agit d'un sujet aussi controversé il est légitime d'en rediscuter selon l'évolution de la situation. En l’occurrence, la situation a énormément évolué même si les médias font de la rétention d'information. Les enjeux économiques et financiers énormes ne permettent pas à la population d'apprécier l'ensemble du problème. On peut relever la crainte et la prudence légendaire des suisses qui demandent à être protégés, guidés par "ceux qui savent" même si on le sait maintenant: ils n'en savaient rien.
Pour ma part, on est passé totalement à côté de l'événement central qui est en fait un hold-up mondial des fond publiques par un petit nombre d'entreprises criminelles avec la complicité des politiques sous couvert de : C'est pour votre bien!
他の政治体制ではそうはいきません。選挙制の政府の下で暮らす私たちは、政治家が同意しない限り、直接民主制に移行することはできません。 そして、政治家たちはほとんど例外なくそれに反対しているため、政治体制全体を覆すことになるのです。 政治家の現職の地位、政治献金へのアクセス、その他の利点を考慮すると、それは不可能なことである。
The most powerful argument in favour of Swiss Democracy (and indeed all direct democracy) is that the people don't vote to abolish it, even though it is a straightforward process to call a referendum for that purpose.
That is not true of other systems of government. Those of us who live under elective government cannot move to direct democracy without the politicians agreeing to it. And as the politicians are almost universally opposed to that, it means somehow overturning the entire political establishment. Given their incumbency, access to political donations, and other advantages, that is an impossible task.
Whatever perceived defects some people might think Swiss Democracy has (and remember all systems of governments have defects in the eyes of some people ) Swiss-style Democracy is unique in being the only system that provides ongoing demonstration of its legitimacy in terms of popular support.
How often have people in Switzerland voted on AHV reform, greenhouse gases, immigration and other issues until it suited certain circles?
The Swiss are obviously used to voting on the same issues over and over again.
A philosopher once said: A democracy occasionally makes wrong decisions, but it can also correct these wrong decisions with new insights.
That is the 'beauty' of Swiss democracy...