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How to stop prisoners becoming radicalised

In the light of recent terrorist attacks, Swiss prison directors have been meeting to discuss how radicalisation can be prevented behind bars. (SRF/

It’s thought that the ringleaders of the Paris attack in November 2015, in which 130 people died, met in jail. And the forefathers of Islamic State were enemy fighters captured in Iraq who came together in Camp Bucca, a prison for coalition forces detainees. 

Swiss jail bosses have been discussing how radicalisation can be recognised and stopped. One solution discussed would be to train imams for work in prisons. An example of a successful Imam working in a prison environment is Mustafa Memeti. He’s based at Thorberg jail in canton Bern and is an outspoken supporter of religious tolerance and of the integration of Muslims in Switzerland. The jail has 177 inmates, a third of whom are Muslims.

In an interview with Swiss public television, SRF, Memeti said, “It’s important that the inmates don’t give up and lose hope of a life after prison, a second chance, as in these conditions radicalisation can take place.” 

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SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR

SWI - a branch of Swiss Broadcasting Corporation SRG SSR